Yekuchera matongo Tourism: UNESCO Saiti Inogamuchira Mediterranean Exchange

Yekuchera matongo Tourism: UNESCO Saiti Inogamuchira Mediterranean Exchange
zvekuchera matongo

Iyo 23rd edition ye Mediterranean Shanduko yeArchaeological Tourism ichaitirwa mukati meguta rekare rePaestum (Salerno, Itari), nzvimbo yeUNESCO kubvira 1998. Zvakare, iyo Exhibition Center Savoy Hotel, iyo Archaeological Park, iyo National Archaeological Museum, uye Basilica Paleocristiana ichave nzvimbo dzeiyo Shanduko kubva munaApril 8-11, 2021.

Iyo Mediterranean Exchange YeArchaeological Tourism inozvisimbisa sechiitiko chakasarudzika chenyika dzese chichaitika mumusha weiyo chete yekuratidzira horo munyika yakatsaurirwa kune yekuchera matongo nhaka uye kuArchaeoVirtual. Iyo yekutanga chiitiko chenyika dzese chakatsaurirwa kune multimedia, kudyidzana, uye chaiwo matekinoroji. Heino nzvimbo yekudzidza uye gakava pane yetsika nhaka uye zvekushanya nyaya; nzvimbo yemusangano yebhizinesi rehunyanzvi, revashanyi, uye vetsika vanoshanda, uye vafambi; uye mukana webhizinesi newekishopu pakati pevatengi vekunze, vatengi venyika, uye zvetsika uye zvekuchera matongo zvinopihwa.

Kune akati wandei akakosha zvikamu zveiyo Shanduko:

  • ArchaeoExperience, laboratories, uye Historical Reenactments yeExpimental Archaeology kuburitsa matekiniki aishandiswa kare kugadzira zvigadzirwa zvezuva nezuva zvekushandisa.
  • ArchaeoInowuya nzvimbo yekuratidzira uye musangano uko vashanyi vekushambadzira vanokurudzira vashanyi veItaly-nzvimbo dzekuchera matongo ndivo protagonists
  • ArchaeoMisangano yemisangano yemapepanhau uye mharidzo dzetsika nemagariro ekuvandudza mapurojekiti
  • ArchaeoWorking, apedza kudzidza uye apedza degree rekutangisa nekuunzwa kwechipo chekudzidzisa nemayunivhesiti anotora chikamu muExphibition Hall
  • ArchaeoStartUp, uko mabhizinesi matsva etsika uye mapurojekiti matsva muzvinhu zvekuchera matongo zvinounzwa
  • Misangano nemaProtagonist uko vateereri vanosangana nevakakurumbira veTV
  • Iyo "Antonella Fiammenghi" Mubairo weakanakisa thesis pane yekuchera matongo kushanya
  • Iyo "Paestum Mario Napoli" Mubairo wakapihwa kune avo vanopa kukosheswa kwenzvimbo dzekuchera matongo
  • Iyo chirongwa cheKutungamira Kuratidzwa uye dzidzo kune vatapi venhau nevashanyi

Kubva 2015, iyo International Archaeological Discovery Mubairo "Khaled al-Asaad" yakawedzerwa kune yakakosha kuwanikwa kwegore, yakatumidzwa zita remuchengeti wezvekuchera matongo wePalmyra uyo akabhadhara nehupenyu hwake kuchengetedza tsika yemagariro. Kubva 2020, iyo "Sebastiano Tusa" Mubairo unoenda mukuwanikwa kwekuchera matongo kwegore kana sekuzivikanwa kwebasa, kune yakanakisa kuratidzwa mune yepasi rose sainzi mamiriro, kune yakanyanya hunyanzvi chirongwa nemasangano, kumapaki ekuchera matongo nemamuseum, uye ku yakanakisa dzidzo yemapepanhau.


  • ArchaeoExperience, laboratories, and Historical Reenactments of Experimental Archaeology to reproduce the techniques used in the past to create daily use artifactsArchaeoIncoming exhibition space and a workshop where tour operators that promote Italian tourist-archaeological destinations are protagonistsArchaeoMeetings for press conferences and presentations of cultural and territorial development projectsArchaeoWorking, after-graduation and after-degree orientation with introduction of the educational offer by the universities participating in the Exhibition HallArchaeoStartUp, where new cultural enterprises and innovative projects in archaeological activities are introducedMeetings with the Protagonists where the audience meets famous TV hostsThe “Antonella Fiammenghi” Award for the best thesis on archaeological tourismThe “Paestum Mario Napoli” Award assigned to those who contribute to the valorization of archaeological heritageThe program of Guided Tours and educationals for journalists and visitors.
  • Since 2020, the “Sebastiano Tusa” Award goes to the archaeological discovery of the year or as a career recognition, to the best exhibition in an international scientific context, to the most innovative project by institutions, to archaeological parks and museums, and to the best educational journalistic contributions.
  • The Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism confirms itself as a unique international event that will take place in the home of the only exhibition hall in the world dedicated to archaeological heritage and to ArchaeoVirtual.


Avatar of Mario Masciullo - eTN Italy

Mario Masciullo - eTN Itari

Mario murwi muindasitiri yekufamba.
Chiitiko chake chinopararira pasi rose kubvira 1960 apo pazera remakore 21 akatanga kuongorora Japan, Hong Kong, neThailand.
Mario akaona iyo World Tourism ichikura kusvika parizvino uye akapupurira
kuparadzwa kwemudzi / uchapupu hwekare hwehuwandu hwakanaka hwenyika mukuda kwemazuva ano / kufambira mberi.
Pakati pemakore makumi maviri apfuura ruzivo rwekufamba kwaMario rwakanyanya muSouth East Asia uye nguva yekupedzisira yaisanganisira Indian Sub Continent.

Chikamu chezviitiko zvebasa raMario zvinosanganisira zviitiko zvakawandisa muCivil Aviation
munda wakapedzisa mushure mekuronga kik kubva kuMalaysia Singapore Airlines kuItaly seInstitutor uye akaenderera kwemakore gumi nematanhatu muchinzvimbo cheMutengesi / Wekushambadzira maneja weSpanish Airlines mushure mekuparadzaniswa kwehurumende mbiri muna Gumiguru 16.

Rezinesi raMario reMutori wenhau riri ne "National Order of Journalists Rome, Italy muna 1977.

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