Addis Ababa kuenda kuJakarta ndege itsva isingamire kuEthiopia Airlines


Ethiopian Airlines iri kutanga isiri-yekumira sevhisi kubva kuAddis Ababa kuenda kuJakarta ichibatanidza Ethiopia neIndonesia. Iyi sevhisi ichatanga muna Chikunguru 17, 2018.

Iyo sevhisi nyowani ichaita kuti Ethiopia isvike kune dzese shanu nyika dzine vanhu vazhinji pasi pano. Nezve basa idzva iri, CEO weEthiopian Airlines, VaTewolde GebreMariam, vakati: “Sendege huru kwazvo mu Africa, ine basa rakashinga rekuwedzera kubatana kwemhepo kukondinendi iyi nekubatanidza Africa nepasi rose, tinofara ipai sarudzo uye ikurumidze kubatanidza nekukurumidza kwekuzorora uye vafambi vebhizinesi zvakafanana nesarudzo dzakareruka dzekufamba.

Iyi sevhisi nyowani ichawedzera kuvepo kwedu muAsia uye ichapa mukana kune vafambi uye nharaunda yekumadokero kweAfrican nharaunda isina kunangana nekubatana kukuru kweEtiopia netiweki kuburikidza nehubhu rayo kuAddis Ababaa, nokudaro inosimbisa kushanya, kutengeserana, uye vanhu kuhukama hwevanhu.

Isu tinoenderera zvakare kuyedza kubatanidza Africa nenzvimbo huru dzekutengesa dzenyika. Tichienderera mberi nekuchengetedza basa redu rekubatanidza mukubatana kwepasirese, tiri kutanga zvitsva sekuronga kwedu kwekutanga nzvimbo gumi muna 10 ”.

Itiopiya ichaendesa Boeing 787-8 yemazuva ano pamugwagwa, iyo isingangopa chete kuenzanisa kunyangwe kune bhodhi kunyaradzo kune vafambi asi zvakare iri ndege yepasirese ine zvakatipoteredza ine yakadzika kabhoni uye ruzha.


  • “As the largest airline in Africa, with a bold mission of expanding air connectivity of the continent and link Africa with the rest of the world, we are pleased to offer the option and expedite fast connectivity for leisure and business travellers alike with a simplified travel options.
  • The new service will enhance our presence in Asia and avail an option for pilgrims and the west African community hassle-free connections to Ethiopian's vast African network via its hub at Addis Ababaa, thereby strengthen tourism, trade, and people to people relations.
  • Ethiopian will deploy the modern Boeing 787-8 on the route, which not only offers unparalleled on-board comfort to passengers but is also the world's most environmentally friendly aircraft with its lower carbon and noise emissions.


Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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