Aeromexico inowedzera makumi maviri nemasere ndege dzeBoeing kumahombekombe ayo

Aeromexico inowedzera makumi maviri nemasere ndege dzeBoeing kumahombekombe ayo
Aeromexico inowedzera makumi maviri nemasere ndege dzeBoeing kumahombekombe ayo
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Aeromexico inosvika pakubvumirana pamusoro pekuwedzera kukuru kwezvikepe


  • Aeromexico kuwana makumi maviri nemana ndege nyowani Boeing 737, kusanganisira B737-8 uye B737-9 MAX
  • Aeromexico inowedzera ina 787-9 ndege yeDlinliner kune zvikepe
  • Aya mashandisiro anomiririra chinhanho mukushandurwa kweAeromexico kwemakore anotevera

Aeromexico yasvika pachibvumirano chekuwedzera ngarava dzayo nemakumi maviri nemana (24) nyowani Boeing Ndege 737, kusanganisira B737-8 uye B737-9 MAX, uye ina (4) 787-9 Dreamliner ndege sechikamu chezvibvumirano zvakagadziriswa nendege nemugadziri nevamwe vadiki kuisa ndege nyowani. Vamwe vatengesi uye masangano emari akabatanidzwawo mukutengeserana uku, zvichikonzera chibvumirano chakazara chinopa mabhenefiti akawanda kumutakuri.

Kuwedzeredzwa kwendege yekutanga kwakarongerwa gore rino, nemapfumbamwe (9) achipa sevhisi kutanga mwaka uno wezhizha, uye vamwe vese vachisvika muhafu yepiri ya2021 uye panguva ya2022. AeromexicoShanduko yemakore anotevera, uye mazwi avo ehupfumi anokwikwidza zvakanyanya achienzaniswa nemazinga azvino emusika.

Aya mashandisiro anoita kuti zvive nyore kuAeromexico kugadzirisa zvibvumirano zvenguva refu zvekugadzirisa uye kudzikisira mitengo yekurendesa yeimwe gumi nesere (18) dzimwe ndege dzinove chikamu chezvino zvikepe. Aeromexico inofungidzira kuti kusvika pachibvumirano chakazara ichi kunotungamira mukuchengetedza zvachose madhora anosvika mabhiriyoni maviri.

Kutenda kusevha, iyo Kambani inogona kupa kunyange yakakwikwidza fares, ichivimbisa yakanakisa yekufamba chiitiko kune vatengi mune yepamhepo-ndege-ine-pasi uye mu-ndege masevhisi ayo chete Aeromexico inopa.

Izvo zvibvumirano zvakakwana zvinoenderana nekutenderwa neUnited States Dare reSouthern District yeNew York, inotungamira Aeromexico Chitsauko 11 chirongwa chekuzvidira chekugadzirisa zvemari.


  • Aeromexico has reached agreement to increase its fleet with twenty-four (24) new Boeing 737 aircraft, including B737-8 and B737-9 MAX, and four (4) 787-9 Dreamliner aircraft as part of the airline’s restructured agreements with the manufacturer and certain lessors to incorporate new aircraft.
  • The addition of the first aircraft is scheduled for this year, with nine (9) offering service beginning this summer season, and the rest arriving in the second half of 2021 and during 2022.
  • These transactions make it possible for Aeromexico to modify long-term maintenance contracts and reduce leasing costs of eighteen (18) other aircraft that are part of the current fleet.


Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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