Empire State Building inokudza The Notorious BIG's 50th Birthday

Iyo Empire State Building (ESB) nhasi yakazivisa hurongwa hwekumaka makumi mashanuth zuva rekuzvarwa kweThe Notorious BIG (Biggie) - aka Christopher Wallace - nemhemberero dzinosanganisira mwenje weshongwe uye mhemberero nekutora chikamu kubva kushamwari dzake nemhuri.

"Kubva pane imwe icon kuenda kune imwe, Empire State Building inokudzwa kupemberera hupenyu uye nhaka yeNotorious BIG ine ruzivo rwechokwadi kumhuri yake, shamwari, uye vateveri mumoyo weNew York City," akadaro Abigail Rickards, mutevedzeri wemukuru. mutungamiri wekushambadzira, hukama hweveruzhinji, uye dijitari paEmpire State Building. "Mafani achave nemukana wakasarudzika wekubatana nemifananidzo miviri yeNew York City kamwechete muhupenyu hwese."

  • ESB Mwenje yeBIG. - Pana Chivabvu 21 - chii chingave chiri chaWallace's makumi mashanuth zuva rekuzvarwa - Empire State Building ichavhenekera mwenje yayo ine mukurumbira pasi rose mune dzvuku uye chena inopenya mwenje inopenya, ine korona uye nhamba "50" inotenderera mumatanda echivako. Chivako ichi chichaita mhemberero yekuvhenekesa yakakosha nevana vake T'yanna Wallace naChristopher Wallace, Jr., amai vake Ms. Voletta Wallace, uye shamwari dzepedyo James Lloyd (Lil' Cease), Kimberly Denise Jones (Lil' Kim), Faith. Evans, naJason Terrance Phillips (Jadakiss) musi waMay 20.
  • Ngano Inoramba Iripo - Iyo Empire State Building Observatory Chiitiko icharatidza hupenyu-saizi, photorealistic avatar yeBIG pa80.th Floor neChishanu, Chivabvu 20 uye Mugovera, Chivabvu 21. Iyo avatar photobooth ichavepo kuti vaenzi vaone uye mapikicha kubva 4 pm–9 pm manheru ega ega.
  • Chete paESB - NeChishanu, Chivabvu 20 uye Mugovera, Chivabvu 21, kubva 4 pm kusvika 9 pm, Empire State Building ichaita pop-up ngoro kuratidza yakasarudzika Notorious BIG merch inotengeswa paObservatory chete. Iyo pop-up ichapa yakaganhurwa-edition ngowani, t-shirts, uye sweatshirts. Ngoro iyi ichabvumirawo wakasarudzika pre-odha mukana weNotorious BIG 8-LP Box Set - yakarongerwa kuburitswa muna Chikumi 10 - uye Biggie's 11x platinamu album. Upenyu Pashure Kokufa kaseti yekutenga.

Mhemberero yeEmpire State Building Observatory yeiyi yechokwadi New York City tsika chiratidzo ichabatanidzwa neEstate of the Notorious BIG, Rhino Entertainment, Bad Boy Records, uye Atlantic Records.


  • – On May 21 – what would have been Wallace’s 50th birthday – the Empire State Building will shine its world-famous tower lights in a dynamic red and white flashing light show, with a crown and the number “50”.
  • “From one icon to another, the Empire State Building is honored to celebrate the life and legacy of the Notorious B.
  • The Empire State Building Observatory’s celebration of this genuine New York City cultural icon will be joined by the Estate of the Notorious B.


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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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