Ukraine International Airlines inoenderera mberi nekumisa ndege kusvika pakati paApril

Ukraine International Airlines inoenderera mberi nekumisa ndege kusvika pakati paApril
Ukraine International Airlines inoenderera mberi nekumisa ndege kusvika pakati paApril
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Taking into account the current military-political situation, Ukraine International Airlines(UIA) extends the suspension of regular and charter flights from/to Ukraine until 23:59 April 15, 2022 Kyiv time. UIA emphasizes that it stays in touch and will continue to stay in touch with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine….

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  • UIA emphasizes that it stays in touch and will continue to stay in touch with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine….
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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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