Air Partner yakapihwa Managed Services kontrakiti neAirbus


Air Partner plc, iyo yepasi rose yeboka rebazi rebazi, yakazivisa kuti yakapihwa kontrakiti yemakore matatu neAirbus, inotungamira inogadzira ndege, yeManaged Services.

Air Partner's Managed Services timu inopa huwandu hwakawanda hwehunyanzvi, hwehunyanzvi uye hwekutengesa hunyanzvi hunowanikwa nguva dzese, mazuva mazana matatu nemakumi matatu nemashanu pagore, zvichigonesa vatengi kuwedzera kugona kwekushanda.

Sechikamu chechibvumirano, Air Partner ichagadzirisa zvese zvinoshanda uye zvibvumirano zveAirbus 'yemakambani ekufambisa ndege, anova hukama hwakakosha hwevashandi vekambani nemakontrakta anofamba pakati pemafekitori eAirbus muChester, Bristol neToulouse.

Ndege, dzinozoitika pane mbiri dzakazvitsaurira, makumi mana nematatu Embraer E49 yedunhu jets, ichaitwa neGlasgow-based Loganair. Ndege ichashanda zvikamu makumi maviri nemasere kubva Muvhuro kusvika China ichisanganisira svondo rega rega kwenguva yechibvumirano chemakore matatu.

Chiziviso ichi chinotevera kugadzwa kwaAir Party munguva pfupi yapfuura naAurigny, mureza anotakura mureza weBailiwick yeGuernsey, kuzotarisira nzvimbo yayo yekudzora mashandiro muAlderney, uye zvinoenderana nezano reboka rekukudziridza zano reManaged Services.

Achitaura nezvekukunda kwechibvumirano, Mark Briffa, CEO weAir Partner plc, akati: "Tine ruzivo rwemakumi emakore tichishanda nemamwe emakambani anotungamira epasirese, kusanganisira mazhinji ari muchikamu cheaviation, uye ndinofara kuti Airbus yasarudza Air Partner's Managed Services inopa. Kuhwina kondirakiti yakadai kunoratidza kusimba kweshumiro yatinopa uye tinotarisira kushandisa hunyanzvi hwedu hwakawanda kutsigira Airbus. ”

Jonathan Hinkles, Managing Director kuLoganair, akawedzera kuti: "Tiri kufara zvikuru kushanda nendege idzi uye tinotarisira kushanda pamwe chete neveMhepo yeManeja yeManeja maSevhisi kuchengetedza ino hukama hwakakosha mukushanda kweAirbus."


  • The announcement follows Air Partner's recent appointment by Aurigny, the flag carrier airline of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, to manage its operations control centre in Alderney, and is in line with the group's strategy to grow its Managed Services proposition.
  • As part of the contract, Air Partner will manage all operational and contractual requirements for Airbus' corporate shuttle flights, which are a vital link for the company's employees and contractors moving between Airbus factories in Chester, Bristol and Toulouse.
  • Winning such a high-profile contract is testament to the strength of the service we provide and we look forward to using our extensive expertise to support Airbus.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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