Mutakuri wendege akakuvara nekudonha mukwende kubva kumusoro kwebhini

rakanyorwa Linda Hohnholz

In this week’s article we examine the case of Lee v. Air Canada, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 3458 (S.D.N.Y. 2017) in which a passenger on an international flight between the United States and Canada “was sitting in her assigned aisle seat when she was struck on the head by the carry-on roller bag of another passenger (Mr. X who had) lifted his bag to place it in the overhead bin (when) he was ‘bumped’ or ‘struck’ on his leg by a passenger…who was ‘passing down the aisle’ (causing Mr. X to lose his balance and drop his bag)”. Because this flight was an international flight the rights and remedies of Ms. Lee are governed by the Montreal Convention, the successor to the Warsaw Convention [see Dickerson, Travel Law at Chapter 2A].

Zvinotyisa Zvinotarisirwa Kuvandudza

Stockholm, Sweden

In Anderson & Sorensen, Stockholm Truck Attack Kills 4; Terrorism Is Suspected, (4/7/2017) it was noted that “A man drove a stolen beer truck into a crowd of people in a popular shopping district in Stockholm on Friday afternoon and then rammed it into a department store, killing four people and injuring 15 others in an attack that unleashed bloodshed and panic on the streets of another European capital. ‘Sweden has been attacked’, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said in a televised news conference.’This indicates that it is an act of terror’”.

Petersburg, Russia

In Nechepurenko & MacFarquhar, Explosion in St. Petersburg, Russia, Kills 11 as Vladimir Putin Visits, (4/3/2017)(“The train had just entered a tunnel between stations, on it way out of a sprawling hub, when the bomb exploded. The homemade device, filled with shrapnel, tore through a third car. It killed 11 people; wounded more than 40, including children, and spread bloody mayhem as the train limped into the Technology Institute station with smoke filling the air…’What a nightmare’ somebody yelled amid piercing screams”.

Museum Yechando Cream

In Museum of Ice Cream announces its opening in Los Angeles, (3/28/2017) it was noted that “Museum of Ice Cream opens its doors to the West Coast this April claiming sunny Los Angeles as its highly anticipated second locations…Museum of Ice Cream captivated a global audience with its unprecedented 2016 launch in New York City, selling out in five days and attracting a waitlist of 200,000…Interactive highlights include a ‘banana split’ comprised of en thousand ‘bananas’, a mint ‘grow house’, a room dedicated to California, a melted popsicle jungle and more, The iconic swimmable sprinkle pool filled with one hundred million sprinkles”. Enjoy.

Vacheche Vanofanira Kubhadharwa

MuParis, Vacheche vanokodzera kunonoka kutiza kubhadhara muripo zvakare, dare rinowana, (4/6/2017) zvakacherechedzwa kuti "Mushure mekunge ndege yeRyanair yanonoka nemaawa mapfumbamwe, ndege iyi yakabvuma kubhadhara muripo kune mumwe murume mukuru vafambi asi vakaramba kubhadhara zvakaenzana kumwanasikana wake ane mwedzi mitanhatu, uyo aive akagara pamakumbo pake panguva yendege. Ndege yebhajeti yakataura kuti haifanire kubhadhara muripo kune vacheche vasina chigaro chekugara uye vanongobhadhariswa mari ye (E20) yevana. Yakatiwo musikana mudiki haaigona kunge akatambura nekushushikana nekuda kwekukura kwake. Asi mutongi kuLiverpool County Court haana kubvumirana uye akatonga kuti mwana aive mutakuri nekuda kwemitemo. Ryanair inodaidzira mutongo uyu 'daft' uye iri kuraira magweta ayo kuti akurumidze kukwirira ".

Gara Kure naColumbia, Ndapota

In Death toll from Columbia's mudslides saw up to 254, (4/2/2017) zvakacherechedzwa kuti "Vakatambudzwa vakachera mumarara vachitsvaga vadiwa uye vachiedza kuchengetedza zvinhu zvekupedzisira zvakasara Mugovera (Kubvumbi 1) mushure mevhu masiraidhi muguta reColombia reMocoa, Dhipatimendi rePutumayo, akauraya vanhu 254 uye akakuvadza mazana evamwe ”.

MuCasey, 'Iyo Miviri Iri Kuora' Mushure meMudslide muColumbia, (4/3/2017) zvakacherechedzwa kuti "Mitumbi iyi yanga ichitutirana neMuvhuro mangwanani paMocoa, guta reColumbian iro rakange raitwa nematope nemarara. zvisingaite munzvimbo kuti uone kuti chero munhu akambogara imomo. Vanonunura vakaramba vachikwenya marara evakafa. Uye nhengo dzemhuri… vakateterera mitumbi yevanodiwa kuti vagogona kuviga zvakakodzera ”.

Chinese Tourism Chikoro

Mumaguta eItaly anosaina chibvumirano neChinese Tourism academy, travelwirenews.Com (3/29/2017) zvakacherechedzwa kuti "China Tourism Academy yakasaina chibvumirano neguta reItaly reBologna muBeijing neChitatu kuita ongororo pamusoro petsika dzevashanyi veChinese. uye Matteo Lepore, mutevedzeri wameya weBologna, akati guta, nenhoroondo yaro yakareba, tsika dzakapfuma uye chikafu chinonaka, inzvimbo yakakosha kuvashanyi veChinese. Iyo zvakare ine yunivhesiti yechinyakare muEurope, iyo zvino inogara vadzidzi vanosvika chiuru kubva kuChina ”.

Penn Station Rail Delays

In Fitzsimmons, At Penn Station, Rail Mishap Spurs Large and Lasting Headache, (4/4/2017) it was noted that “It was a minor mishap-several cars on a slow-moving New Jersey Transit train jumped the tracks on Monday morning at Pennsylvania Station in New York. But by the next day, it has cascaded into a transportation crisis, snarling travel up and down the East Coast, upending the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and vividly illustrating the fragile state of infrastructure in the nation’s busiest transit corridor”.

Nzou Zorora zvishoma

In Gettleman, Elephants Get a Reprieve as Price of Ivory Falls, (3/29/2017) it was noted that “Finally, thee’s some news for elephants. The price of ivory in China, the world’s largest market for elephant tusks, has fallen sharply, which may spell a reprieve from the intense poaching of the past decade. According to a report released on Wednesday by Save the Elephants, a respected wildlife group in Kenya, the price of ivory is less than half what it was just three years ago, showing tat demand is plummeting. Tougher economic times, a sustained advocacy campaign and China’s apparent commitment to shutting down its domestic ivory trade this year were the drivers of the change, elephant experts said”.

YeUber Yega-Yekutyaira Mota Dzakamira

Muna Isaac, Uber Anomisa Miedzo Yega Yekutyaira Mota Mushure mekupunzika kweArizona, (3/25/2017) zvakaonekwa kuti "Uber yakati neMugovera kuti yanga ichimisa kuyedzwa kwemotokari dzayo yekuzvityaira, zuva rakatevera imwe yedzimotokari dzakabonderana muTempe, Ariz.Imotokari yeUber, yaive nemunhu pachigaro chemutyairi asi yaizvityaira, yanga isiri mhosva mutsaona iyi, sekureva kwemutauriri weDhipatimendi reMapurisa eTempe. . Uber Volvo XC90 yemotokari yemotokari yakarohwa apo mutyairi wemimwe mota akatadza kuburitsa… Kubonderana kwakaita kuti mota yaUber ipfuurire parutivi ”.

Ndiani Akabira Waymo's Technology?

MuWakabayashi & Isaac, Uber Inoramba Iri Kushandisa Waymo Technology, (4/7/2017) zvakazivikanwa kuti "Uber yakaramba zvichemo kubva kuWaymo, kambani yemotokari inotyaira yakabuda mukambani yemubereki yeGoogle gore rapfuura, kuti iri kushandisa tekinoroji isina kutyaira mota yakabiwa newaimbove mushandi weGoogle. Mumatare edzimhosva akaendesa Chishanu, Uber yakati yatanga kugadzira chinhu chakakosha chemota yayo yega isati yahaya Anthony Levandokski, mukuru waUber wemota dzinozvityaira kubva kuGoogle kuri pamwoyo wedare repfuma pakati pemakambani maviri aya ” .

Sarai Denmark

In Farvel, Uber is getting out of Denmark, (3/28/2017) it was noted that “Sometimes Uber can be a sore loser. The ride-hailing company on Tuesday (March 28) said it will stop providing service in Denmark as of Aril 18, citing ‘unworkable’ changes to local taxi rules. Those changes, scheduled to take affect next year, cap new taxi driver licenses at 125 per quarter. They also require all cars to have fare meters, and restrict the types of cars that can be used for taxi-like purposes…the company has 2,000 Danish drivers and 300,000 Danish riders…In a handful of European countries-Sweden, France and Germany-Uber previously halted service of UberPop, which is comparable to UberX in the U.S. It pulled out of Taiwan earlier this year after racking up about $10 million in fines…In London, a lawyer recently took the first step to sue Uber and demand that the company pay the UK’s 20% value added tax on every ride. In Spain, Uber has sparked vehement protests”.

Hondo yeBrooklyn yeKosher Pizza

MuKilgannon, MuBrooklyn's Kosher Pizza War, Yemazuva Ano Vanofarira Hondo Yekare Mutemo, (3/28/2017) zvakacherechedzwa kuti "Muguta rakafanana ne pizza-rakapenga seNew York, hondo dzepitsa dzinomuka pamwe nekujairika, kubva kudhora majoini anorwa nevatengi muManhattan kuenda kuMafia-tinted gakava pamusoro pesiti yakabiwa muto muto pakati pechitoro che pizza muBrooklyn neimwe muStaten Island. Asi pamwe hapana chinofananidzwa neiyo kosher pizza hondo, inokamura 21st-century-century foodie-ism ichipesana nenyika yakasarudzika-yezana ramakore rechi19 yenzvimbo isina humiriri yeHasidic. Varidzi vaviri veresitorendi vePizza, vese maOrthodox maJuda, vakapindirana mumatare e-muBrooklyn chete, kwete mudare raAugust, asi muhoro yemutemo isina kuzivikanwa inozivikanwa seRabbinical Court reBorough Park, iyo inonzwa nyaya mukamuri yakapusa pamusoro pesinagogi panzvimbo yekugara. Pakati pehondo hapasi mitengo kana mabikirwo emuto, asi kududzira kwakavanzika kwemutemo mutsvene kwakagadzwa muchiAramaiki chekare zviuru zvemakore apfuura. Mativi ese ari maviri akashandisa mitemo yakarairwa neTorah neTalmud, pamwe nebhuku rinobikirwa rinodudzirwa nemitemo yekosher uye zvitupa ”.

India's Runhare Romeos

In Barry, India’s ‘Phone Romeos’ Look for Ms. Right via Wrong Numbers, (3/22/2017) it was noted that “In a glass-sided call center, police constables clicketyclack on computer keyboards, on the trail of particularly Indian sort of criminal. The ‘phone Romeo’ as he is known here, calls numbers at random until he hears a woman’s voice, in the hope of striking up a romantic attachment. Among them are overeager suitors (‘Can I recharge your mobile?’), tremulous supplicants (‘I am talking to you, madam, but my body is shaking’) and the occasional heavy breather (‘I want to do the illegal things with you’). Intentionally dialing wrong numbers is a labor-intensive way to find a girlfriend. But it is increasingly common in a range of countries-Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh and India are examples-where traditional gender segregation has collided head-on with a wave of cheap new technology. India is justly proud of its mobile-phone revolution. Call tariffs are among the world’s lowest, and competition has sent the price of broadband plummeting. An estimated 680 million Indians use cellphones, with three million new ones coming online every month”.

Yakadzika MuAmazon

MuRomero, Yakadzika muAmazon Inoshamisa Gungwa (uye Kudya-Kudya) Chiitiko, (3/20/2017) zvakaonekwa kuti Alter Do Chao, Brazil-Kunyangwe iri kure kure negungwa mune iri kure kona yesango reAmazon, Alter do Chao inofanirwa kuve pakati pemataundi epamhenderekedzo anokwezva pasi rese. Mahombekombe ejecha jena achitevedza Rwizi rweTapajos anokwezva vashanyi vanotyaira motokari kubva kure kusvika kuCuiaba, guta rakakomberedzwa nemakiromita anenge chiuru kumaodzanyemba. Iyo yakajeka, inodziya mvura inokwezva snorkelers uye vashandi vepa standup paddle boarding. Ndiri parwendo rwekushumwa gore rino muAmazon Basin, ndakatizira kuAlter do Chao kwemazuva mashoma mushure mekunzwa ngano dzekunaka kwaro. Mune imwe nyika ine mamaira anodarika mazana mana nemazana matanhatu emahombekombe egungwa, ndakanetseka kana rimwe remabhishi akanakisa eBrazil raigona kunyatsove rakadzika mukati menzvimbo isina kusimba yesango rakakura kwazvo renyika. 'Kana uchida kuona Alter chaiye, uchafanirwa kudya svosve', Pito, ane makore makumi mashanu nemashanu, wekuCumaruara muIndia anotungamira vashanyi panzira dzesango akanditsanangurira. Akadzura svosve pasi pesango achibva andishingisa kuti ndichidye. Inotsemuka kunge poputi, yainaka, iine mazano eruziyo ”.

Travel Law Article: The Lee Case

Sezvakataurwa neDare "Mumhan'ari Lisa Lee akamhan'arira mumhan'ari Air Canada, achitsvaga kukuvara kwekukuvara kunonzi kwakagamuchirwa mundege yaishandiswa nemumiriri. Lee anoti akakuvara apo chimedu chemukwende icho mumwe waaifamba naye aiedza kuisa mukamuri repamusoro pamusoro pechigaro chemumiririri uye ndokumurova mumusoro. Mhosva iyi inotongwa neMontreal Convention, iyo inobvumidza vafambi kuti vadzore kukuvara kwekukuvara kunowanikwa nendege dzenyika dzakawanda. Mumiririri (anotsvaga pfupiso mutongo achiramba chichemo) nechikonzero chekuti chiitiko chakakonzera kukuvadzwa kwaLee kwaisave 'tsaona' mukati memitemo yeMontreal Convention… (uyezve inotsvaga kudzikamisa) chikwereti chayo zvichienderana neChipiri 21 cheMontreal Musangano (kusvika) 113,100 SDRs (ingangoita madhora zana nemakumi mashanu emamiriyoni) ”.

Maitiro Ekubhodha

"Panguva yechiitiko ichi, vashandi vemuAir Canada 'vaimiswa mukombini' uye '' vaiita basa ravakapiwa kusanganisira 'kukwazisa vafambi, kuendesa vafambi kuzvigaro zvavakapihwa uye kazhinji vachiongorora kabhini kuti ichengeteke'. Iko hakuna humbowo hwekuti vashandi vekubhururuka vakaita chero chiziviso kana yambiro maererano nekufamba kwevafambi panguva yekubhodhi. Mumwe mushandi mundege weAir Canada… akaona (VaX) bhegi richidonha asi 'akatadza kudzivirira bhegi kuti risarove [Lee] sezvo aive pamitsara mishanu kusvika misere uye' paive nevamwe vafambi '".

Mitemo Inoenderana

“Mapato haasi kupokana kuti (saVa X) bhegi raitevedza zvizere nemitemo yekutakura zvinhu yeAir Canada; kuti kana mitemo yemubatanidzwa kwete yemitemo yeAir Canada yaida kuti nhengo yevashandi vedare vabatsire (Mr. X) kuisa bhegi ravo mubhini repamusoro… uye kuti nhamba nekumiswa kwevashandi vendege mundege zvaienderana nemirau yemubatanidzwa nemaindasitiri ”.

Musangano weMontreal

The Montreal Convention superceded the Warsaw Convention which was negotiated “and enacted in the first half of the twentieth century (with) its ‘cardinal purpose” was to ‘achiev[e] uniformity of rules governing claims arising from international air transportation’…Since the Warsaw Convention was drafted while the airline industry was in its infancy, it sought to ‘limit the liability of air carriers in order to foster the growth’ of that industry…Toward the end of the twentieth century, the state parties to the Warsaw Convention negotiated a treaty-the Montreal Convention-to replace the Warsaw Convention and its associated ‘hodgepodge of supplementary amendments and intercarrier agreements’…Unlike its predecessor, this new treat clearly ‘favor[ed] passengers rather the airlines’.It eliminated the Warsaw system’s ‘arbitrary caps’ on air carrier liability and held carriers ‘strictly liable for the first 100,000 (Special Drawing Rights (‘SDRs)] of proven damages for each passenger”.

Chinyorwa 17: Tsaona

"Kunyangwe paine mutsauko pakati pezvinangwa zvavo zvakawandisa, Chibvumirano cheMontreal chakachengeta huwandu hwenongedzo dzaive dziripo muWarsaw Convention (kusanganisira Chinyorwa 17 icho chinopa kuti) Mutakuri ndiye anokonzeresa kukuvara kunoitika kana afa kana kukuvara mumuviri kwemunhu anofamba mamiriro chete ekuti tsaona yakonzera kufa kana kukuvara yatora nhanho mundege kana mukuita chero kwekutanga kana kuburuka ".

Kutsanangura "Tsaona"

“Although the Montreal Agreement and Warsaw Convention allow for an injured passenger to recover damages from an air carrier only in the event of an ‘accident’, neither treaty defines the term. The United States Supreme Court filled this void in a 1985 case, Air France v. Saks, 470 U.S. 392, 405 (1985) by declaring clearly and unanimously that an ‘accident’ arises ‘only if a passenger’s injury is caused by an unexpected or unusual event or happening that is external to the passenger’. The Saks court directed the inferior courts to apply its definition both ‘flexibly’ as well as ‘broadly’…Nonetheless, the broad definition crafted by the Supreme Court does not mean tat every injury that occurs on an airplane is the result of an ‘accident’”.

Iyi Nyaya Yakaongororwa

“Courts have consistently found that items falling from overhead compartments are both ‘unexpected and unusual’ and ‘external’ to the unfortunate passengers upon whom the items land (citing Maxwell v,. Aer Lingus Ltd., 122 F. Supp. 2d 210 (D. Mass. 2000); Smith v. American Airlines, Inc., 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 94013 (N.D. Cal.2009 (‘The bottle falling from above was both ‘unexpected and unusual’, it was an event that was ‘external’ to plaintiffs body and it caused plaintiff bodily harm. Thus the requirements of Saks…are satisfied’)…Because another passenger’s bag falling onto an unsuspecting passenger’s head was an unexpected or unusual event that was external to her—this Court finds that the circumstances in this case constitute an ’accident’ pursuant to Article 17 of the Montreal Convention”.

Zvinokuvadza Zvishoma

“Pursuant to Article 21 of the Montreal Convention, an airline is not liable for damages exceeding 100,000 SDRs if the carrier proves that ‘such damage was not due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the carrier or its servants or agents’…Today the cap on an airline’s ‘strict liability’ is actually 113,100 SDRs…because of inflation…Having considered the evidence…the Court finds that Air Canada has shown that asa matter of law it exercised reasonable case (and) has established that it was not negligent as matter o (and hence) its liability is limited to 113,100 SDRs of provable damages”.

tomdickerson | eTurboNews | eTN

Munyori, Thomas A. Dickerson, mubatanidzi Mutongi weAppellate Division, weChipiri Dhipatimendi reNew York State Dare Repamusorosoro uye anga achinyora nezveMutemo weTravel kwemakore makumi mana nerimwe kusanganisira mabhuku ake emitemo anovandudzwa pagore, Mutemo Wekufamba, Law Journal Press. (41), Litigating International Torts muUS Courts, Thomson Reuters WestLaw (2016), Kirasi Zviito: Mutemo we2016 States, Law Journal Press (50) uye anopfuura mazana mana ezvinyorwa zvemutemo mazhinji acho anowanikwa ku 2016jd / taxcertatd.shtml. Zvekuwedzera zvemutemo wekufamba nhau uye zviitiko, kunyanya, mune dzimwe nhengo dzeEU munoona

Ichi chinyorwa hachigone kuburitswa pasina mvumo yaThomas A. Dickerson.

Verenga zvakawanda zve Zvinyorwa zveJustice Dickerson pano.


  • Travel (3/28/2017) it was noted that “Museum of Ice Cream opens its doors to the West Coast this April claiming sunny Los Angeles as its highly anticipated second locations…Museum of Ice Cream captivated a global audience with its unprecedented 2016 launch in New York City, selling out in five days and attracting a waitlist of 200,000…Interactive highlights include a ‘banana split' comprised of en thousand ‘bananas', a mint ‘grow house', a room dedicated to California, a melted popsicle jungle and more, The iconic swimmable sprinkle pool filled with one hundred million sprinkles”.
  • Com (4/7/2017) zvakaonekwa kuti "Mumwe murume akatyaira rori yedoro yakabiwa mukati meboka revanhu munharaunda yezvitoro yakakurumbira muStockholm neChishanu masikati ndokubva aipinza muchitoro chedhipatimendi, akauraya vanhu vana uye akakuvadza 15 vamwe mukurwisa kwakadeura ropa uye kutya mumigwagwa yerimwe guta guru reEurope.
  • 2017) umo mutyairi mundege yepasi rese pakati peUnited States neCanada "aive akagara pachigaro chake chemumugwagwa paakarohwa mumusoro nebhegi rekutakurisa remumwe mutyairi (Mr.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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