Bartlett anosangana neCraft Vendors kuti vakurukure marongero ekuderedza zvinopesana neECVID-19 kukanganisa

Bartlett anosangana neCraft Vendors kuti vakurukure marongero ekuderedza zvinopesana neECVID-19 kukanganisa
Jamaica Gurukota Rezvekushanya, Hon. Edmund Bartlett

Jamaica's Gurukota rezveKushanya, Hon Edmund Bartlett has met with craft vendors, one of the key sub-sector groups in tourism, to discuss strategies to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on their businesses.

“With the closure of our borders and general measures instituted to reduce the spread of the disease, tourism has come to a halt leaving many workers and businesses displaced.

In my meeting yesterday, held via teleconference, with heads of various craft associations, i had fruitful discussions on the way forward and highlighted some of the financial arrangements being put in place to help these vendors,” said Minister Bartlett.

The Minister has also had meetings with travel agents and the transportation sub-sector to discuss strategies to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses as well.

The island’s tourism has come to a halt following restrictive measures to help reduce the spread of the disease.

“I am aware of the severe difficulties being encountered by our suppliers and recently devised, with my colleague Minister of Finance, a grant of 1.2 billion dollars to businesses operating in tourism and related sectors,” said Minister Bartlett.

In addition to this grant, the government has been implementing fiscal actions to cushion the economic impact of Covid-19. These include:

  • Nhaurirano nemabhangi ekutengesa kuti vape mari-kuyerera kwenguva pfupi
  • rutsigiro kumabhizinesi nevatengi muzvikamu zvakakanganisika kuburikidza nekudzoserwa kwemabhadharo makuru, mitsara mitsva yechikwereti uye mamwe matanho
  • Nhanganyaya yeiyo Covid Kugoverwa kweMidziyo yeVashandi (CARE) chirongwa icho chine zvinhu zvina:
  1. Kuunzwa kweBusiness Employee Support uye Kuendesa Kwemari (BEST Cash) - iyo ichapa mari yenguva pfupi kumabhizinesi ari munzvimbo dzakatarwa zvichienderana nenhamba yevashandi vavanoramba vachishanda.
  2. Supporting Employees with Transfer of Cash (SET Cash ) – which will provide temporary cash transfer to individuals where it can be verified that they lost their employment since March 10, (the date of the first Covid-19 case in Jamaica) due to the Covid-19 virus and this will be available for a specific period.
  3. Yakakosha yakapfava chikwereti chikwereti kubatsira vanhu uye mabhizinesi anga akaomeswa.
  4. Supporting the poor and vulnerable with special Covid-19 related grants.

Minister Bartlett added that, “This is a unique time as we all grapple with this novel pandemic but together we are working to come up with the best possible solutions to ensure we recover.”


  • Supporting Employees with Transfer of Cash (SET Cash ) – which will provide temporary cash transfer to individuals where it can be verified that they lost their employment since March 10, (the date of the first Covid-19 case in Jamaica) due to the Covid-19 virus and this will be available for a specific period.
  • In my meeting yesterday, held via teleconference, with heads of various craft associations, i had fruitful discussions on the way forward and highlighted some of the financial arrangements being put in place to help these vendors,” said Minister Bartlett.
  • “With the closure of our borders and general measures instituted to reduce the spread of the disease, tourism has come to a halt leaving many workers and businesses displaced.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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