Budapest Airport inozivisa yekutanga Mykonos chinongedzo

Budapest Airport inozivisa yekutanga Mykonos chinongedzo
Budapest Airport inozivisa yekutanga Mykonos chinongedzo
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Budapest Airport celebrated its first link to Mykonos yesterday, as Wizz Air launched its twice-weekly service to the popular resort in Greece. The home-based airline’s new operation will be the airport’s tenth connection to the Greek islands, offering close to 100,000 seats between Hungary and Greece this summer season. Wizz Air faces no competition on…

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  • The home-based airline's new operation will be the airport's tenth connection to the Greek islands, offering close to 100,000 seats between Hungary and Greece this summer season.
  • Budapest Airport celebrated its first link to Mykonos yesterday, as Wizz Air launched its twice-weekly service to the popular resort in Greece.
  • Wizz Air faces no competition on….



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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