China-Greece Dziviriro MuJiangsu, China

Musi waChikumi 24, China-Greece Dziviriro, Kuvandudzwa uye Kushanya Kwekushanya kweGuta Rekare reMarudzi Epasi rese Cultural Salon yakaitirwa muNanjing. Mapurofesa, nyanzvi, vatungamiriri vemuseum, uye dzimwe nyanzvi kubva kuChina, Greece, Italy nedzimwe nyika vakaungana kuti vachinjane uye vadzidze kubva kuChina neGreece muzvinhu zvekudzivirira kweguta rekare uye kuvandudzwa uye kusimudzira kwekushanya kwemadhorobha kuburikidza neinternet uye nzira dzisiri pamhepo, sekureva kweJiangsu Provincial. Dhipatimendi reTsika neKushanya.

"Kudzivirirwa kwemaguta ane mukurumbira hakufanirwe kuchengetedza chete hunhu hweguta uye dhizaini, asiwo nhaka yetsika, ndangariro yetsika, uye nzvimbo yekukurukurirana pakati pevanhu, kuitira kuti guta rega rega rive nehunhu hwaro uye hunhu hwaro. maitiro." Muzvinafundo Gong Liang, Director weKanzuru yeNanjing Museum, vakati kune gumi nematatu ane mukurumbira maguta enhoroondo netsika muJiangsu. Ndivo kuunganidzwa kwenhoroondo netsika, uye kunaka kwenharaunda dzeguta. Zvisaririra zvetsika zvakabatanidzwa muhupenyu hwevanhu.

Nicholaos Stampolidis, General Director weAcropolis Museum muGreece, anotenda kuti kuchengetedzwa kwezvisaririra zvetsika hakungogumiri kune izvo zvekare. Akataura kuti Greece, seChina, iri kuchengetedza nekusimudzira nhaka yetsika nenzira yakanakisa.

Genovese Paolo Vincenzo, muumbi weItaly, ane dingindira rekuti "Hapana Nhoroondo, Hapana Ramangwana", akatsanangura mitemo yekudzivirira tsika yezvivakwa zvenhoroondo zveItaly nemataundi. Vadaidzira kuti pave nenhaurirano yakazara uye yakatambanuka pamusoro pekuchengetedzwa kwenhaka yenhoroondo muChina.

Eleni Mantziou, Purofesa paNational Technical University yeAthens, akatsanangura nzira yekupa hupenyu hutsva kuguta rekare reGreek kuburikidza nevhidhiyo. Akatora nzvimbo yePlaka, nharaunda yekare kwazvo muAtene semuenzaniso, kutsanangura kuongororwa kwekuchengetedzwa nekuvandudzwa kweguta rekare.

Nhasi, nzvimbo iyi ine hofisi yakatsaurirwa uko chero munhu anogona kuuya kuzopa zano rekugadzirisa matambudziko nemba yavo. Kudzivirirwa uye kuvandudzwa kweguta rekare inyaya yekare uye yemazuva ano. Guta rekare rinoda kuchengetedzwa uye kugadzirisa. Pachikonzero chekudzivirira chitarisiko chose chose sezvinobvira, salon iyi inotarisa pakuchera nhoroondo yemadhorobha uye zvirevo zvevanhu zvakaunganidzwa munhaka yetsika, uye kupukuta "chikwangwani chegoridhe" chekushanya kwetsika dzemaguta.


  • “The protection of famous cities should not only preserve the characteristics of the city and the architectural style, but also the cultural heritage, the memory of the culture, and the space for communication between people, so that each city will have its own personality and characteristics.
  • Professors, scholars, museum directors, and other experts from China, Greece, Italy and other countries gathered to exchange and learn from China and Greecein the aspects of ancient city protection and renewal and urban tourism development through online and offline methods, according to Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
  • On the premise of protecting the overall appearance as completely as possible, this salon focuses on excavating the urban history and humanistic connotations accumulated in the cultural heritage, and polish the “golden signboard”.




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