Chirongwa chekusimudzira Tourism chakabvumidzwa nehurumende yeArmenia

Pamusangano weHurumende yeRA musi waKukadzi 11, Mutungamiriri weRA Tigran Sargsyan akatendera chirongwa che2010 chekusimudzira vashanyi kuArmenia.

Pamusangano weHurumende yeRA musi waKukadzi 11, Mutungamiriri weRA Tigran Sargsyan akatendera chirongwa che2010 chekusimudzira vashanyi kuArmenia.

Chirongwa ichi chakagadzirirwa kuumba chimiro chakanaka uye chinokwezva cheArmenia senyika yekushanya, inopa Armenia kumusika wevashanyi vepasirese uye ive nechokwadi chekubatanidzwa kwenyika dzepasirese kuburikidza nemutemo unoshanda wekushambadzira.

Huwandu hwevashanyi ve650,000 vanotarisirwa kushanyira Armenia gore rino nekuda kwechirongwa - kuwedzera kwe7-10 muzana. Chirongwa ichi chichasimudzirawo ruzivo rwepasi rose rweArmenia.

Chirongwa ichi chinopawo kuti Armenia itore chikamu muzviratidziro zvepasi rose, kuburitswa uye kuparadzira zvinhu zvekushambadzira, kurongeka kwemafaro munzvimbo dzeArmenian uye kusimudzira kudyidzana kwenyika dzese muindasitiri yevashanyi.


  • The program is designed to shape a favorable and attractive image of Armenia as a country of tourism, present Armenia to the international tourist market and ensure the country's international integration through an effective marketing policy.
  • The program also provides for Armenia's participation in international exhibitions, publication and dissemination of advertising material, organization of festivities in Armenian regions and development of international cooperation in tourist industry.
  • A total of 650,000 tourists are expected to visit Armenia this year due to the program – an increase of 7-10 per cent.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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