COVID-19: South Africa Nyika Yenjodzi zvinoreva kuti hapana doro, hapana kushanya uye chii chimwe?

COVID-19: South Africa Nyika Yenjodzi zvinoreva kuti hapana doro uye chii chimwe?

116 cases of COVID-19 put South Africa into the medium-low category for Coronavirus. The South African Government is not taking any chances and President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national state of disaster effective today.  So far no death was associated with the outbreak of coronavirus in South Africa. The regulations, which form part of the Disaster…

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  • The South African Government is not taking any chances and President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national state of disaster effective today.
  •   So far no death was associated with the outbreak of coronavirus in South Africa.
  • The regulations, which form part of the Disaster….



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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