COVID-19 neItaly: Chii Chingadai Chakave Chichiitwa

COVID-19 neItaly: Chii Chingadai Chakave Chichiitwa
COVID-19 neItaly

In-depth investigations conducted by the “Noi denounce” Committee on the structural-organizational inadequacies of the Italian government in managing the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit hard the Lombardy region were revealed by lawyer Ms. Consuelo Locati during a virtual press conference hosted in the Milano Foreign Press premises. Locati represented the Committee that…

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  • In-depth investigations conducted by the “Noi denounce” Committee on the structural-organizational inadequacies of the Italian government in managing the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic that hit hard the Lombardy region were revealed by lawyer Ms.
  • Consuelo Locati during a virtual press conference hosted in the Milano Foreign Press premises.
  • Locati represented the Committee that….



Mario Masciullo - eTN Itari

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Chiitiko chake chinopararira pasi rose kubvira 1960 apo pazera remakore 21 akatanga kuongorora Japan, Hong Kong, neThailand.
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Chikamu chezviitiko zvebasa raMario zvinosanganisira zviitiko zvakawandisa muCivil Aviation
munda wakapedzisa mushure mekuronga kik kubva kuMalaysia Singapore Airlines kuItaly seInstitutor uye akaenderera kwemakore gumi nematanhatu muchinzvimbo cheMutengesi / Wekushambadzira maneja weSpanish Airlines mushure mekuparadzaniswa kwehurumende mbiri muna Gumiguru 16.

Rezinesi raMario reMutori wenhau riri ne "National Order of Journalists Rome, Italy muna 1977.

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