Zuva rakatemerwa kuvhurwa kwenzvimbo dzakavanzika dzekuVictoria


On March 2, 2020, Pope Francis will open the secret archives of the pontificate of Pius XII on the Second World War. The announcement during the audience to the staff of the Vatican secret archives was, “The Church is not afraid of history, indeed it loves it.” And on the reading of the Pontificate, he…

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  • The announcement during the audience to the staff of the Vatican secret archives was, “The Church is not afraid of history, indeed it loves it.
  • Musi waKurume 2, 2020, Pope Francis vanozovhura zvakavanzika zvinyorwa zvekupapa kwaPius XII paChipiri Hondo Yenyika.
  • ” And on the reading of the Pontificate, he….



Mario Masciullo - eTN Itari

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Chikamu chezviitiko zvebasa raMario zvinosanganisira zviitiko zvakawandisa muCivil Aviation
munda wakapedzisa mushure mekuronga kik kubva kuMalaysia Singapore Airlines kuItaly seInstitutor uye akaenderera kwemakore gumi nematanhatu muchinzvimbo cheMutengesi / Wekushambadzira maneja weSpanish Airlines mushure mekuparadzaniswa kwehurumende mbiri muna Gumiguru 16.

Rezinesi raMario reMutori wenhau riri ne "National Order of Journalists Rome, Italy muna 1977.

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