Chekutanga Pfungwa ina neSheraton Hotel Monrovia zvinoreva nhau dzakanaka dzekushanya kweLiberia


Chibvumirano chefranchise neMarriott International chakasainwa nhasi kweMapoinzi Ekutanga mana nehotera yeSheraton muLiberia. Inowanikwa muguta guru, Monrovia. Ihotera iri inofanirwa kunge iri yekutanga hotera ine zita munyika pakuvhura muna 2020 uye ichatarisirwa neAleph Hospitality pasi peMana Points neSheraton brand.

Iyo inocherechedzwa chivakwa iri mudhorobha repakati pebhizimusi dunhu, padhuze neUnited Nations mishoni uye padyo padyo nemasangano akati ehurumende nemahofisi ekutengesa.

Ichapa makamuri evaenzi 111.

Kuvhurwa kwehotera kuchaita basa rakakosha mukubatsira kuona nzira yenyika yekushanya, inovavarira kuendesa 15 mamirioni evashanyi vekunze muna2023.

"NeMutungamiri Weah vachizivisa zvirongwa mwedzi wapera uno kuti zvive nyore kuisa vhiza yekupinda uye kutarisa kuvaka bhodhi renyika rekushanya kuti vatyaire huwandu hwevashanyi, Liberia inotarisira kuwedzera chikamu chavo cheizwi muindasitiri yekushanya muAfrica," akadaro Bani Haddad , Managing Director, Aleph Kugamuchira Vaeni. "Kuwedzera kwevashanyi vekunze kuchaunza kudiwa kwakasimba kwekugara kwepasi rose uye tinotarisira kutarisira mashandiro ehotera iyi kusvika pamwero wepasi rose uye kuita maPfungwa mana naSheraton Monrovia nzvimbo yekusarudza muguta. . ”

Inotarisirwa kuumba anopfuura zana mabasa matsva kana akavhurwa, hotera, iyo iri yeSea Suites Hotel LLC, ichaitwa neAleph Hospitality pasi peyechitatu-bato manejimendi modhi. Iyi modhi, inowanikwa muUS nemaEuropean maindasitiri emahotera asi mukutanga kwayo muAfrica, inoratidzirwa kuendesa yakanyanya kukosha muridzi kuburikidza nekubatanidzwa kwezvakanaka zvinopihwa neyepasi rose brand yakaroora ine yakanyanya-yakatarisana uye yakasarudzika manejimendi nzira inoenderana zvido zvemuridzi.


  • and European hotel industries but in its infancy in Africa, is proven to deliver superior value for the owner through a combination of the benefits afforded by an international brand married with a highly-focused and personalised management approach aligned to the interests of the owner.
  •   “The increasing number of international guests will bring with them a strong demand for international quality accommodation and we greatly look forward to managing the operations of the hotel to world-class standards and making the Four Points by Sheraton Monrovia the destination of choice in the city.
  • The hotel is due to become the first internationally branded hotel in the country upon opening in 2020 and will be managed by Aleph Hospitality under the Four Points by Sheraton brand.



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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