FAA inotangazve Contract Tower yayo Chirongwa


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) nhasi yatangazve kugamuchira zvikumbiro kuchirongwa cheFAA Contract Tower (FCT), sekudaidzwa kwaiitwa pasi peFAA Reauthorization Act ya2018. Contract tower ishongwe dzekudzora kufamba kwemhepo dzinogarwa nevashandi vemakambani akazvimirira kwete ne FAA vashandi.

Kufanana nekudyara kwakawanda kwemubatanidzwa, sangano rinosungirwa kuita ongororo yemutengo wekubatsira (BCA) pashongwe yega yega yekondirakiti kuti ione kuti inokodzera here kutora chikamu muchirongwa cheFCT. Kuti ugamuchirwe muchirongwa cheFCT, kuchengetedza uye kushanda zvakanaka kweshongwe kunofanirwa kudarika mutengo wayo. Iyo FAA ichaverengera yepamutemo bhenefiti-mutengo wechiyero inoenderana nemunyoreri wega wega, uye mhando dzevhoriyamu uye chiitiko chainotsigira. Iyo agency's BCA kuverenga inoteerana necongressional gwara pane chaiyo shanduko kumitengo uye mabhenefiti mumuenzaniso. Kugadziriswa kwechikumbiro chimwe nechimwe kunotarisirwa kutora inokwana mwedzi mitatu.

Parizvino kune mazana maviri nemakumi mashanu nenhanhatu makondirakiti muchirongwa cheFCT. Nhandare dzendege dzinofarira kunyorera dzinofanirwa kubata Chirongwa Chekuita Maneja (PIM) munzvimbo yavo yebasa.


  • Like most federal investments, the agency is required to perform a benefit-cost analysis (BCA) on each contract tower to determine whether or not it is eligible for participation in the FCT program.
  • In order to be admitted into the FCT program, the safety and efficiency benefits of a tower must exceed its costs.
  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today resumed accepting applications to the FAA Contract Tower (FCT) program, as called for under the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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