Fraport AG akabudirira anoisa tsamba yekuzivisa

Fraport AG akabudirira anoisa tsamba yekuzivisa
Fraport AG akabudirira anoisa tsamba yekuzivisa
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Nhoroondo ye Fraport AG yakabudirira kuisa tsamba yekuvimbisa ine zvidimbu zvitanhatu uye huwandu hwakazara hwe € 250 mamirioni nevatengesi. Pakutanga, rakaburitswa vhoriyamu yemamiriyoni zana nemakumi mashanu emadhora nematanho matatu, matanhatu, uye masere emakore anga akarongwa. Nekuda kwekuda kwakanyanya kwechinyorwa, kusanganisira mazwi akareba, uye kunyorwa kwakanyanya, zvimwe zvidimbu zviviri zvine makore gumi negumi nemaviri zvakapihwa uye huwandu hwese hwetsamba yekuvimbisa hwakawedzerwa. Nyaya yacho yakaitika kumagumo ezasi emutengo wepakati. 

"Mune ino misika yemamiriro ekushanduka-shanduka, tavandudza mamiriro edu emari mushure mekuisa mabhenji ebhenji muna Chikunguru," anodaro Dr. Matthias Zieschang, CFO weFraport AG. “Mari yakakwenenzverwa gore rino yakawedzera kusvika pamabhiriyoni e2.7. Nemari uye mitsetse yakazvipira yechikwereti inodarika € 3 bhiriyoni, isu takanyatsogadzirira kubata nedambudziko riripo nekuisa mari mune ramangwana rekambani yedu kusvika pazvakakodzera. ”

Bayerische Landesbank uye Landesbank Baden Württemberg vakaita sevabatanidzi vanotungamira varongi.


  • As a result of high demand for the note, including for longer terms, and significant oversubscription, another two tranches with terms of ten and twelve years were issued and the total volume of the promissory note was increased.
  • With cash and committed lines of credit of over €3 billion, we are particularly well equipped to deal with the current crisis while also investing in the future of our company to the necessary extent.
  • Fraport AG has successfully placed a promissory note with six tranches and a total volume of €250 million with investors.



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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