Gorilla uye Chimpanzee Kuchengeta Kunogara Kwakapfigwa kune Vashanyi

Gorilla uye Chimpanzee Kuchengeta Kunogara Kwakapfigwa kune Vashanyi
gorilla uye chimpanzee kuteedzera

During the 14th Uganda presidential address to the nation on COVID-19 since the lockdown on March 21, President Yoweri Museveni ordered that gorilla and chimpanzee tracking should remain closed to tourists citing the easy spread of the virus to apes and primates. “Bwindi for the Mountain Gorillas and Kibale Forest, chimpanzees. We do not want…

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  • Panguva yegumi nematanhatu yekutaura kwemutungamiri wenyika yeUganda kurudzi rwacho pamusoro pe COVID-14 kubva pakavharwa musi waKurume 19, Mutungamiri Yoweri Museveni akaraira kuti gorilla neChimpanzee kuteedzera ngazvirambe zvakavharwa kune vashanyi vachitaura nezvekupararira kuri nyore kwehutachiona kumakudo nemhuka.
  • “Bwindi for the Mountain Gorillas and Kibale Forest, chimpanzees.
  • We do not want….



Tony Ofungi - eTN Uganda

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