Gulf maritime chengetedzo musangano wakaitirwa muBahrain mushure meStrait yeHormuz kurwisa

Gulf maritime kuchengetedza yakaitirwa muBahrain mushure mekurwisa kweStrait yeHormuz

Iyo diki yeGulf monarchy ye Bhahareni akaita musangano weGulf maritime security musangano, zvichitevera kurwiswa kwechikepe muchirongwa Strait yeHormuz. Bahrain, iyo zvakare inotungamira US Fifth Fleet, yakati musangano uyu wakaitwa "kuti ukurukure mamiriro azvino mudunhu nekusimbisa kubatana."

Yakashorawo "kurwiswa kwakadzokororwa uye maitiro asingagamuchirwe eIran," Reuters yakashuma.

Manama haana kutaura kuti ndiani akapinda musangano uyu, uyo wakaitwa neChitatu. Guardian anga ataura zuva rapfuura kuti UK yakadaidzira musangano muBahrain nedzimwe nyika dzeEurope neUS.

Pakutanga neChitatu, mutungamiri mukuru weIran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei akati "kuda kwevanhu kuchakunda" muBahrain, mushure mekuratidzira ikoko kwakatevera kuurayiwa kwevanhu vaviri vechiBahraini Shiite veMuslim mukupera kwesvondo.


  • The Guardian had reported a day earlier that the UK had called for a meeting in Bahrain with other European countries and the US.
  • Earlier on Wednesday, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said “the will of the people will prevail” in Bahrain, after protests there followed the execution of two Bahraini Shiite Muslim activists over the weekend.
  • Bahrain, which also hosts the US Fifth Fleet, said the conference was held “to discuss the current regional situation and to strengthen cooperation.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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