Hurumende yeCanada inodyara mari muKenora Airport

Local airports play a crucial role in Canada, connecting communities from coast to coast to coast while also ensuring they continue to have access to essential air services like air ambulance, resupply, and forest fire response. Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced that the Government of Canada is providing the Kenora Airport with more than $8.8…

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  • Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced that the Government of Canada is providing the Kenora Airport with more than $8.
  • Nhandare dzendege dzemunharaunda dzinoita basa rakakosha muCanada, kubatanidza nharaunda kubva kumahombekombe kuenda kumhenderekedzo kuenda kumahombekombe uku vachionawo kuti vanoramba vachiwana akakosha masevhisi emhepo senge amburenzi yemhepo, kudzoreredza, uye kupindura kwemoto wesango.
  • Izvi ndezvemahara SUBSCRIPTION nhengo chete.




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