Italy yakavharwa


The unusually cold spell brought by a Siberian weather system is being felt as far south as the Mediterranean. In great parts of central Italy, ice rain forced the total closure of Highway A1 connecting Milan to Bologna and also the autostrada to Ancona. Schools are closed for another 7 days, and 2 days only…

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  • In great parts of central Italy, ice rain forced the total closure of Highway A1 connecting Milan to Bologna and also the autostrada to Ancona.
  • Izvi ndezvemahara SUBSCRIPTION nhengo chete.
  • Kutonhora kusingawanzoitiki kwakaunzwa nemamiriro okunze eSiberia kuri kunzwika kure kumaodzanyemba seMediterranean.



Elisabeth Lang - akasarudzika eTN

Elisabeth anga achishanda mubhizimusi rekufambisa renyika dzese uye indasitiri yekugamuchira vaeni kwemakumi emakore uye achibatsira eTurboNews kubva pakatanga kudhindwa muna 2001. Ane network yepasi rose uye mutori wenhau wekufamba nepasirese.

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