Jamaica inowedzera COVID-19 yekuyera kugona

Jamaica inowedzera COVIDE-19 kuyedzwa

With both the United States and Canada instituting stricter travel requirements, Jamaica is preparing to meet the demands by increasing COVID-19 testing options.

Jamaica has announced an increase in destination-wide COVID-19 testing capacity, bringing the island into readiness with the new rules and testing requirements for both United States and Canada-bound travelers. Jamaica’s aggressive effort to expand testing capacity is part of a continued destination-wide prioritization of safe and seamless travel experiences for international visitors.

A number of hotels and resorts are providing on-site COVID-19 testing for their guests. For travelers staying at other locations, the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Ministry of Tourism are working together to establish mobile testing facilities within the Resilient Corridors. Testing resources will also be added at the Sangster International Airport and the Norman Manley International Airport. Antigen and PCR tests will also be conducted at 10 private laboratories approved by the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The list of approved laboratories can be found online at


“We can confidently assure travelers that Jamaica’s testing capacity will adequately meet the requirements for travel to the United States and Canada,” said Donovan White, Director of Tourism, Jamaica Tourist Board. “Jamaica is resilient. As we keep an eye toward other potential changes for international travelers, we are pleased with our destination-wide preparedness and the progress we have made to make COVID-19 testing even more accessible.”

Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo nezve Jamaica, ndapota shanya www.chandjamaica.com.

Dzimwe nhau nezve Jamaica



  • For travelers staying at other locations, the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Ministry of Tourism are working together to establish mobile testing facilities within the Resilient Corridors.
  • Jamaica's aggressive effort to expand testing capacity is part of a continued destination-wide prioritization of safe and seamless travel experiences for international visitors.
  • “We can confidently assure travelers that Jamaica's testing capacity will adequately meet the requirements for travel to the United States and Canada,” said Donovan White, Director of Tourism, Jamaica Tourist Board.



Linda Hohnholz, mupepeti weTN

Linda Hohnholz anga achinyora nekugadzirisa zvinyorwa kubva pakutanga kwebasa rake rekushanda. Akaisa chishuwo ichi chekuzvarwa kunzvimbo dzakadai seHawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, iyo Hawaii Vana Discovery Center, uye ikozvino TravelNewsGroup.

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