Jamaica Tourism yekudzoreredza inoda yakasimba yakawanda-nhanho mhinduro uye kudyidzana

Vafambi venguva yemberi chikamu cheGeneration-C?
mufananidzo nerubatsiro rweJamaica Ministry of Tourism

Jamaica Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, is urging global and regional policymakers to utilize new approaches, partnerships and a strong multi-level response to aid in the sector’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Jamaica Tourism Minister said historically, tourism has shown a strong ability to adapt, innovate, and recover from adversity.
  2. Policymakers, industry leaders, investors, financial institutions, and providers of innovative solutions will be required to collaborate more closely.
  3. Investments must be made to build infrastructure to facilitate sustainable tourism and sustainable energy consumption.

The Minister noted that this strategy will ensure that the tourism sector becomes more resilient, sustainable, inclusive, and competitive during this Jamaica tourism recovery period.

Speaking recently during the Caribbean Infrastructure Forum (CARIF), Bartlett said: “While historically, tourism has shown a strong ability to adapt, innovate and recover from adversity, this unprecedented situation requires new approaches and a strong multi-level response and partnership to achieve some of our loftier recovery goals.”

He also noted that, “policymakers, industry leaders, investors, financial institutions and providers of innovative solutions will be required to collaborate more closely to boost and ensure the required investments to build the infrastructure that will facilitate sustainable tourism and sustainable energy consumption in the tourism sector.”

According to Minister Bartlett the transition to sustainable tourism, will also depend on whether the development of tourism is guided by a national strategy comprising policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks with sufficient incentives to stimulate the development of supply and productive capacity where sustainable goods and services are concerned.

"Iyi nzira yekuenda kune inoenderera mberi kushanya inofanirwawo kutariswa kubva kunharaunda uye inofanirwa kubatanidza nzira dzekuzadza mikaha muchikamu chekugovera equation muCaribbean tourism. Naizvozvo, nzvimbo dzekuCaribbean dzinofanirwa kutora matanho akasimba ekuona kuti tachengeta mari yakawanda yemadhora ekuAmerica ari kupinda mudunhu iri nekuda kwekushanya,” vakadaro.



Linda Hohnholz, mupepeti weTN

Linda Hohnholz anga achinyora nekugadzirisa zvinyorwa kubva pakutanga kwebasa rake rekushanda. Akaisa chishuwo ichi chekuzvarwa kunzvimbo dzakadai seHawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, iyo Hawaii Vana Discovery Center, uye ikozvino TravelNewsGroup.

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