Japan Airlines inowana chinzvimbo chepamusoro mu2015 JCSI ongororo

TOKYO, Japan – Japan Airlines (JAL) announced today that it was ranked number one for “Loyalty” and “Customer Satisfaction” in the International Airlines category, according to results of the fourth J

TOKYO, Japan – Japan Airlines (JAL) announced today that it was ranked number one for “Loyalty” and “Customer Satisfaction” in the International Airlines category, according to results of the fourth JCSIiJapan Customer Satisfaction Indexjsurvey for 2015, conducted by Service Productivity and Innovation for Growth (SPRING). In the Travel category, JALPAK, a JAL subsidiary company, achieved the first place in “Customer Satisfaction” for the first time.

Through its commitment to continuously introducing new products and by the actions of each and every staff to enhance its services, as well as through the cross-department initiatives to increase customer satisfaction, JAL scored first in “Loyalty” in the International Airlines category for three consecutive years, which is also one of the company’s own management targets. Additionally, JAL achieved the first place in “Customer Satisfaction,” a major JCSI indicator, for the first time.

In JAL’s Mid-term Management Plan for Fiscal Years 2012-2016, management targets were set to achieve the first place in “Loyalty” and “Recommendation Intention Rate” in the International Airlines category (International Flights) and Domestic Long-Distance Transport (Airlines) category (Domestic Flights) by FY2016. The airline’s ranking for FY15 resulted in the second place in “Recommendation Intention Rate” for International Flights with improved score closer to the top ranking, the third in “Recommendation Intention Rate” for Domestic Flights, and the fifth in “Loyalty”. The airline is therefore remains steadfast to realize these targets by March 31, 2017.

Japan Airlines has implemented group-wide efforts to provide the finest services and to ensure a refreshing, inspiring and satisfying travel experience for every customer who uses JAL’s services. The airline will embrace the challenge of achieving the first place in customer satisfaction on both international and domestic flights.

Index International Airlines
(International Flights) Domestic Long-Distance Transport (Airlines)
(Domestic Flights)
(last year’s ranking in brackets) Score Ranking
(last year’s ranking in brackets) Score
Loyalty (repeat intention rate) 1st (1st) 70.5 5th (3rd) 65.1
Recommendation Intention Rate 2nd*1 (1st) 69.3 3rd (3rd) 65.4
Customer Satisfaction 1st (2nd) 75.1 5th (4th*2) 71.5
*1 Same rate as Singapore Airlines in 2nd place
*2 Same rate as AIR DO in 4th place


  • Through its commitment to continuously introducing new products and by the actions of each and every staff to enhance its services, as well as through the cross-department initiatives to increase customer satisfaction, JAL scored first in “Loyalty”.
  • The airline will embrace the challenge of achieving the first place in customer satisfaction on both international and domestic flights.
  • In the Travel category, JALPAK, a JAL subsidiary company, achieved the first place in “Customer Satisfaction”.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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