Kubva kuItari Trasporto Aereo Ndege kuenda kuAlitalia Kuvimbika Mibairo

Kusakwanisa kuita mari mamaira

Can miles be monetized? No, replies the CEO. He said companies do not refund customer miles in cash and do not expect this to happen with Alitalia. In short, there is no monetization. It is not even known what the priority of the holders of the miles is before a judge, as creditors because, as written, the points accumulated are a debt for the airline. In the previous experiences of companies that have closed the business, the miles went lost. In this case, the unique aspect is that loyalty will go to tender and, therefore, will hopefully end up with a new owner.

Freccia Alata nhengo, chii chichaitika neITA?

Will Freccia Alata loyalty member with MilleMiglia with ITA, have to start from scratch? As often happens in air transport, airlines attract new customers – especially if they are loyal to other carriers – by recognizing them at the same status in their loyalty program. It is likely that ITA will invite travelers enrolled in MilleMiglia to join their new loyalty program by recognizing the same status (in the jargon: status match). For example, whoever is Freccia Alata with MilleMiglia could have immediately received the equivalent level in the ITA loyalty program, but obviously with zero miles, concluded Lazzerini.


  • It is not even known what the priority of the holders of the miles is before a judge, as creditors because, as written, the points accumulated are a debt for the airline.
  • It is likely that ITA will invite travelers enrolled in MilleMiglia to join their new loyalty program by recognizing the same status (in the jargon.
  • In this case, the unique aspect is that loyalty will go to tender and, therefore, will hopefully end up with a new owner.


Mario Masciullo - eTN Itari

Mario murwi muindasitiri yekufamba.
Chiitiko chake chinopararira pasi rose kubvira 1960 apo pazera remakore 21 akatanga kuongorora Japan, Hong Kong, neThailand.
Mario akaona iyo World Tourism ichikura kusvika parizvino uye akapupurira
kuparadzwa kwemudzi / uchapupu hwekare hwehuwandu hwakanaka hwenyika mukuda kwemazuva ano / kufambira mberi.
Pakati pemakore makumi maviri apfuura ruzivo rwekufamba kwaMario rwakanyanya muSouth East Asia uye nguva yekupedzisira yaisanganisira Indian Sub Continent.

Chikamu chezviitiko zvebasa raMario zvinosanganisira zviitiko zvakawandisa muCivil Aviation
munda wakapedzisa mushure mekuronga kik kubva kuMalaysia Singapore Airlines kuItaly seInstitutor uye akaenderera kwemakore gumi nematanhatu muchinzvimbo cheMutengesi / Wekushambadzira maneja weSpanish Airlines mushure mekuparadzaniswa kwehurumende mbiri muna Gumiguru 16.

Rezinesi raMario reMutori wenhau riri ne "National Order of Journalists Rome, Italy muna 1977.

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