Kutanga coronavirus kufa muEurope: Chinese mushanyi anofa muchipatara cheParis

Kutanga coronavirus kufa muEurope: Chinese mushanyi anofa muchipatara cheParis
Kutanga coronavirus kufa muEurope: Chinese mushanyi anofa muchipatara cheParis

Mumwe-makore makumi masere-makumi mashanu ekushanya kweChinese akafa kubva kune itsva coronavirus kuchipatara cheParis, zvichiratidza kufa kwekutanga kwakasimbiswa kunze kweAsia uye kufa kwekutanga pavhu reEurope, Gurukota rezvehutano reFrance Agnes Buzyn akazivisa neMugovera.

Murume akwegura weChina akange arapwa muchipatara muParis, Buzin akaudza vatori venhau neMugovera. Akaiswa muhutachiona, asi mamiriro ake “Yakanga yaipa zvishoma nezvishoma,” gurukota rakaudza venhau vemuno. Akataura kuti ane makore makumi masere akasvika muFrance achibva mudunhu rakakundwa nehutachiona reHubei.

Mwanasikana wemurwere, arikutamburawo ne2019-nCoV, sekudanwa kunenge kwaitwa hutachiona, akaendawo muchipatara, asi "mamiriro ake haasisiri chikonzero chekunetseka uye angangozoburitswa munguva pfupi yapfuura."

France yakanyora gumi nenomwe kesi dzenhau coronavirus Pakutanga, vezvehutano vaiti vamwe vevarwere vaichengetwa muzvipatara muParis neBordeaux vakagadzirira kusunungurwa.

Huwandu hwekufa kwechirwere checoronavirus chakapfuura chiuru nemazana mashanu.


  • The patient's daughter, also suffering from the 2019-nCoV, as the virus is officially called, was also hospitalized, but “her condition is no longer a cause for concern and she is likely to be released soon.
  • An 80-year-old Chinese tourist has died from the new coronavirus at a Paris hospital, marking the first death confirmed outside of Asia and the first fatality on European soil, French Health Minister Agnes Buzyn announced on Saturday.
  • Previously, health officials said some of the patients who were being taken care of in hospitals in Paris and Bordeaux were ready to be released.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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