Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe inoratidza kuzvipira kwakasarudzika mukusimba

LOS ANGELES, California – Green Globe announces re-certification of the Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe in Germany.

LOS ANGELES, California – Green Globe announces re-certification of the Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe in Germany. In line with Movenpick Hotels & Resorts’ vision and values – this upscale hotel identifies and promotes sustainable strategies. Part of the philosophy is an exceptional commitment to socially and environmentally-friendly actions in the local community.

“The entire Movenpick team in Stuttgart is continuously committed to finding new ways to reduce our impact on the environment,” said Mr. Jurgen Kohler, General Manager and Director of Operations Germany. “In 2012, we have invested in new technical solutions to decrease our energy consumption. We do compensate the Co2 emissions of our business trips, and we offer regional and seasonal products to our guests. As our commitment also depends on the participation of our stakeholders, in particularly our guests and employees, I would like to thank everybody for their present and future involvement.”

A long term sustainability management system is in effect at the Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe, energy and water reduction goals are strictly monitored. New investments in sustainable solutions include an exhaust duct with heat storage (saves up to 20% energy), and protective films for all windows (saves up to 30% energy). The hotel consciously recycles and works with approved local organization Alba to collect and process its waste. Respect for the environment is the core value of the business and guests are encouraged to support a carbon-neutral stay and reduce their environmental footprint. Biodegradable cleaning products are being used, and guests are provided with a green line of shampoos and soaps in their rooms. The Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe is committed to buy products in bulk and avoid individual packaging wherever hygienic measures do not prevail – the purchasing policy favors local suppliers adhering to sustainable practices.

The Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe actively supports the local community and many charitable organizations, such as the “Foerderverein fuer krebskranke Kinder Tuebingen” – dedicated to the care of children with cancer and their families. The Leonard Church in Stuttgart is open for people in need from mid-January through March each year. They receive food and comfort during the cold winter times. Hotel staff volunteers on site during this period. In addition, trainees at the hotel visit local nursing homes for the elderly on a monthly basis.

The city of Stuttgart in cooperation with the “Christoph Sonntag” organization has plans to build a new recreation zone. This zone will serve as a retreat, protection area, and source of nutrition for amphibians, insects and birds. Landscaping will begin this spring, and Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe will participate in the project.


Movenpick Hotels & Resorts, yepasi rose upscale hotera manejimendi kambani ine vanopfuura zviuru gumi nezvitanhatu vevashandi, inomiririrwa munyika dzinopfuura makumi maviri neshanu nemakumi manomwe neshanu mahotera, maresitorendi, uye vafambisi veNile vafambi vari kushanda pari zvino. Zvinopfuura makumi matatu zvezvivakwa zvakarongwa kana kuvakwa, kusanganisira Soma Bay (Egypt), Chiang Mai neKohSamui (Thailand), Palawan (Philippines), Dubai (UAE), Sanya (Haiman Island, China), Djerba neTozeur (Tunisia).

Tichifunga nezvekuwedzera mumisika yayo yepakati peEurope, Africa, Middle East neAsia, Movenpick Hotels & Resorts inonyanya kuita bhizinesi nemusangano mahotera, pamwe nenzvimbo dzekuzorora, zvese zvichiratidza pfungwa yenzvimbo uye kuremekedza nharaunda dzavanogara. YeSwitzerland nhaka uye inotungamirwa muZurich, Movenpick Mahotera & Resorts ine shungu yekuendesa iyo premium sevhisi uye yekunakirwa kwekunakirwa - zvese nekubata pachako. Yakazvipira kunzvimbo dzakachengetedzeka, Movenpick Hotels & Resorts yave ndiyo yakanyanya kugoneswa kambani yeGreen Globe pasi rose.

Iyo kambani yehotera ndeyeMvenpick Holding (66.7%) uye neKingdom Group (33.3%). Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo, ndapota shanya

Contact: Tiare de Vries, Online Reputation Manager, i/c of Sustainability, Movenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe, Flughafenstrasse 50, 70629 Stuttgart, Germany, Phone +49 711 553 449032, Fax +49 711 553 449000, Email [email inodzivirirwa] ,


Green Globe Certification ndiyo yepasi rose yekusimudzira system inoenderana nemaitiro epasirese-anotambirwa ekugadzirisa mashandiro uye manejimendi emabhizimusi ekushanya nekushanya. Inoshanda pasi pezenisi repasirese, Green Globe Certification iri muCalifornia, USA, uye inomiririrwa munyika dzinopfuura makumi masere nematatu. Green Globe Certification inhengo yeGlobal Sustainable Tourism Council, inotsigirwa neUnited Nations Foundation. Kuti uwane ruzivo, shanya


  • As our commitment also depends on the participation of our stakeholders, in particularly our guests and employees, I would like to thank everybody for their present and future involvement.
  • Respect for the environment is the core value of the business and guests are encouraged to support a carbon-neutral stay and reduce their environmental footprint.
  • In addition, trainees at the hotel visit local nursing homes for the elderly on a monthly basis.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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