United Airlines neSingapore Airlines vanowedzera codeshare kusvika kunzvimbo 19 itsva

United Airlines neSingapore Airlines vanowedzera codeshare kusvika kunzvimbo 19 itsva
United Airlines neSingapore Airlines vanowedzera codeshare kusvika kunzvimbo 19 itsva
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Star Alliance members United Airlines and Singapore Airlines (SIA) today announced an expansion to their codeshare agreement, making it easier for customers to travel to more cities in the United States of America, Southeast Asia and other destinations in the Asia-Pacific region. Passengers can now enjoy codeshare flights to 19 new diverse and fast-growing cities ideal for both business and leisure…

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  • Nhengo dzeStar Alliance dzeUnited Airlines neSingapore Airlines (SIA) nhasi dzakazivisa kuwedzera kwechibvumirano chavo checodeshare, zvichiita kuti zvive nyore kune vatengi kuenda kune mamwe maguta muUnited States of America, Southeast Asia nedzimwe nzvimbo dziri mudunhu reAsia-Pacific.
  • Passengers can now enjoy codeshare flights to 19 new diverse and fast-growing cities ideal for both business and leisure….
  • eTurboNews zvinyorwa ndezvevakanyoresa chete.



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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