Shamwari dzedu dzakati DRIVE TO PHUKET ?! Sei usingabhururuka? Zvinongotora maminetsi makumi manomwe nemashanu!

Phuket ndicho chitsuwa chikuru cheThailand, uye isu tichashanyira kumadokero kwemahombekombe toongorora mukati umo mune makomo mazhinji. Tinoronga kugara kwemavhiki maviri.

Phuket ndicho chitsuwa chikuru cheThailand, uye isu tichashanyira mahombekombe ekumadokero toongorora mukati umo mune makomo mazhinji. Tinoronga kugara kwemavhiki maviri. Mhenderekedzo yekumadokero ine mahombekombe akawanda akanaka ane jecha refu uye iri pakati pechitsuwa chehusiku. Uye isu tinoronga kusvika ikoko nemotokari kubva kuBangkok.

Rwendo rwedu ruchatiendesa kumaodzanyemba tichifamba 864 km kubva kumba kwangu kuBangkok kuenda kuPhuket - nzvimbo yekutamba yechitsuwa yeThailand ine mukurumbira. Parera reGungwa reAndaman.


  • The west coast has a number of magnificent long sandy beaches and is the center of the island’s nightlife.
  • Phuket is Thailand's largest island, and we will visit the west coast and explore the interior which is mostly mountainous.
  • And we plan to get there by car from Bangkok.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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