Pegasus Airlines inotangazve ndege dzekunze mangwana, 13 Chikumi

Pegasus Airlines inotangazve ndege dzekunze mangwana, 13 Chikumi
Pegasus Airlines inotangazve ndege dzekunze mangwana, 13 Chikumi
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Kutevera kumiswa kwenguva pfupi kwendege sechikamu chezvirambidzo kurwisa Covid-19 denda, Pegasus Airlines' ndege dzepasi rose dzichatanga zvakare musi wa 13 Chikumi 2020 nendege dzekuGermany, zvichiteverwa nekutangwazve zvishoma nezvishoma kwendege pakati peTurkey nenzvimbo dzakati wandei dzeEurope kubva 15 Chikumi 2020.

Sechikamu chekutangisa kwayozve ndege pakati peTurkey neEngland muchikamu chekutanga muna Chikumi, Pegasus ichange ichishanda nendege zuva nezuva pakati peLondon Stansted neIstanbul Sabiha Gokcen pakati pa16 na29 Chikumi, uye nendege imwe chete yakananga pakati peLondon Stansted uye. Izmir musi wa15 Chikumi 2020. Pegasus ichange ichidzorawo dzimwe ndege dziri pakati peTurkey neAustria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland neThe Netherlands. Iyo purogiramu ichawedzerwa zvishoma nezvishoma muchikamu chinotevera, zvichienderana nemvumo yakapihwa neDirectorate General yeCivil Aviation muTurkey.

Nendege dzinosvika muTurkey, kuongororwa kwehutano kuchaitwa kune vafambi vanopinda munyika. PCR bvunzo dzichaitwa mahara muzviitiko zvinoonekwa zviratidzo panguva yekuongororwa kwehutano uye pese pazvinenge zvichidikanwa. Bazi rezvehutano reTurkey rinodawo kuti vafambi vanopinda muTurkey vagare nekugara kwemazuva gumi nemana mudzimba dzavo kana kero yavakadomwa kana vasvika.



  • As part of its partial resumption of flights between Turkey and England in the first phase in June, Pegasus will be operating a daily flight between London Stansted and Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen between 16 and 29 June, and a one-time direct flight between London Stansted and Izmir on 15 June 2020.
  • Following the temporary suspension of flights as part of the restrictions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Pegasus Airlines' international flights will be resuming on 13 June 2020 with flights to Germany, followed by the gradual resumption of flights between Turkey and several European destinations from 15 June 2020.
  •   The schedule will be gradually increased further in the next phase, subject to the permissions granted by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in Turkey.



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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