TAP Air Portugal inotangazve ndege kubva kuMunich kuenda kuLisbon

TAP Air Portugal inotangazve ndege kubva kuMunich kuenda kuLisbon kaviri zuva nezuva
TAP Air Portugal inotangazve ndege kubva kuMunich kuenda kuLisbon

Ingori nguva yezororo rezhizha muBavaria, TAP Mhepo Portugal irikutangazve nendege dzayo kubva kuMunich: Ndege yechiPutukezi ichaunza vashanyi uye vafambi vebhizinesi kaviri pazuva kubva kuMunich Airport kuenda kuLisbon. Guta guru rePutukezi ndere nzvimbo dzepamusoro makumi maviri dzekufamba muEurope kune maGerman uye ndiyo yekutanga nzvimbo yekuziva nyika.

Vatapi veTAP vachabatsirwawo nenyaya yekuti Humberto Delgado Airport inoshanda senzvimbo uye inopa hukama hwakawanda hunokwezva kuNorth neSouth America, iyo Azores, ne Africa. Nendege yayo yeA330-900neo, iyo ndege ine imwe yazvino uye inoshamwaridzika nharaunda inofamba-famba muEurope.

Andreas von Puttkamer, Musoro weAviation Bhizinesi Yuniti kuMunich Airport, anofara nekutangazve kubatana kuLisbon: "NaTAP, imwe inokosha Star Alliance Partner iri kudzokera kuMunich iyo inopa yakakwira-frequency nzira network, kunyanya kuSouth. America nenzvimbo dzekuzorora kuSouthern Europe. ”



  • The Portuguese capital belongs to the top 20 travel destinations in Europe for Germans and is the ideal starting point to get to know the country.
  • TAP passengers will also benefit from the fact that the Humberto Delgado Airport functions as a hub and offers many attractive connections to North and South America, the Azores, and Africa.
  • Andreas von Puttkamer, Head of the Aviation Business Unit at Munich Airport, is pleased at the resumption of the connection to Lisbon.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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