Yakakurumbira 2021 MICHELIN Gwara Malta inopa nyeredzi kune mamwe maresitorendi maviri

The 2021 Guide builds on the success of last year’s first ever edition of the Michelin Guide on the islands of Malta and Gozo. The standard of cooking on the islands continues to excite as now five, of the 31 total recommended restaurants featured in this year’s guide, have managed to earn a MICHELIN Star.

International Director of the MICHELIN Guides, Gwendal Poullennec, commented that “the last year has created enormous challenges for the hospitality industry around the world and our hearts go out to all those facing difficulties in these trying times. Our inspectors, like the restaurants themselves, have had to adapt, but we were very pleased that they were able to spend time on the islands and find two new Michelin Stars and 5 new Michelin ‘Plates’ to add to the Guide”.

ION - Chikepe (Valletta)

Situated on the stunning rooftop of the luxurious Iniala Harbour House and Residences, ION – The Harbour offers award winning cuisine surrounded by world-class design and unrivalled views of the picturesque Grand Harbour. From the ambience to the service, the food to the in-house Sommelier wine pairing, all elements have been seamlessly brought together to create a finished dish that highlights the perfect moment of taste. 

Bahia (Lija)

Bahia, a prestigious navel orange that has been the pride of the people from Lija, is now honoured with a chic bistro carrying its name. Using skills developed in some of the best kitchens on the island, Bahia values innovation and respect towards an array of high quality ingredients. Accompanying this exquisite food, is a selection of prestigious wines and other beverages to best suit the guests’ meals. 

Bajia and ION – The Harbour join the ranks of the three first Maltese Star establishments:

Bib Gourmand

Additionally, the three existing Bib Gourmand restaurants, awarded for restaurants offering high quality dining at a reasonable price, all retained their award for the year 2021 for “good quality, good value cooking”. 


The new Guide to Malta also includes 23 restaurants which have been awarded the Plate symbol, indicating the cuisine has “fresh ingredients, was capably prepared; and is simply a good meal”. 

To see all 31 restaurants listed in the 2021 MICHELIN Guide Malta, click pano.

Yakakurumbira 2021 MICHELIN Gwara Malta inopa nyeredzi kune mamwe maresitorendi maviri
Ion the Harbour – copywright Christian Marot, Ion the Harbour

About Malta

Zvitsuwa zvine zuva reMalta, pakati peGungwa reMediterranean, zvine musha wakasarudzika wenhaka yakasimba, kusanganisira huwandu hwakanyanya hweUNESCO World Heritage Sites mune chero nyika-nyika chero. Valletta yakavakwa neanodada Knights yeSt.John ndeimwe yeanoonekwa neUNESCO uye European Capital of Culture yegore ra2018.Malta patrimony mumatombo ematombo kubva kune ekare-emahara emabwe ekuvakisa pasi, kune imwe yeBritish Empire inotyisa kwazvo. masystem ekudzivirira, uye anosanganisira musanganiswa wakapfuma wemapurani epamba, echitendero neemauto kubva panguva dzekare, medieval uye nguva dzekutanga dzazvino. Nemamiriro ekunze ane zuva rakajeka, mahombekombe anoyevedza, hupenyu husiku hunobudirira, uye makore zviuru zvinomwe zvenhoroondo inonakidza, pane zvakawanda zvekuona nekuita. Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo nezve Malta, shanya www.chandiramani.com.

About Gozo

Mavara eGozo nekuravira zvinounzwa nedenga rinopenya pamusoro paro uye gungwa rebhuruu iro rakakomberedza gungwa raro rinoshamisa, iro rakangomirira kuwanikwa. Yanyura mungano, Gozo inofungidzirwa kuve inoshamisa chiCalypso's chitsuwa cheHomer's Odyssey - ine rugare, inoshamisa yekumashure mvura. Machechi eBaroque nedzimba dzekare dzemapurazi dzakazara mumaruwa. Nyika yakaoma yaGozo uye mahombekombe anoyevedza akamirira kuongororwa nedzimwe nzvimbo dzeMediterranean dzakanakisisa.

Dzimwe nhau nezve Malta




Linda Hohnholz, mupepeti weTN

Linda Hohnholz anga achinyora nekugadzirisa zvinyorwa kubva pakutanga kwebasa rake rekushanda. Akaisa chishuwo ichi chekuzvarwa kunzvimbo dzakadai seHawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, iyo Hawaii Vana Discovery Center, uye ikozvino TravelNewsGroup.

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