Kudzivirirwa ndiko kunyorerwa kuMadinah Mövenpick Hotel

LOS ANGELES, California – Located in the modern city of Madinah in Saudi Arabia, the five-star Madinah Mövenpick Hotel is ideally situated for visitors to this holy destination.

LOS ANGELES, California – Located in the modern city of Madinah in Saudi Arabia, the five-star Madinah Mövenpick Hotel is ideally situated for visitors to this holy destination. The Holy Mosque, Al Rawda Al Sharifa and Al Baqie are all within a few minutes from the hotel. Most of the immaculately appointed rooms and suites offer views of the city and guests can enjoy a variety of dining choices at the hotel’s restaurants.

Green Globe congratulates Madinah Mövenpick Hotel on its recent recertification for the fourth year running and its notable compliance score of 88% against accredited criteria.

Rushdi Ashkar, General Manager at Madinah Mövenpick Hotel said, “We are proud to achieve Green Globe certification again. I would like to thank all team members for their commitment towards environmental conservation and social responsibility.”

Madinah Mövenpick Hotel uses the Hotel Optimizer management system designed by Green Globe’s preferred Middle East Partner FARNEK to record and monitor all energy and water consumption. To conserve energy a Building Management System (BMS) regulates temperatures in various sections of the hotel. In addition, energy efficient facility equipment and guest room appliances have been installed. Furthermore, motion sensors and timers are utilized at the property and 70% of corridor lighting now uses sensors. While 60% of all lighting in guest rooms, back of house areas, offices, meeting rooms and restaurants have been replaced with LEDs.

Water is also routinely monitored to ensure reduction targets are met. Low flow aerators are fitted on taps in guest rooms and public areas. And restaurant sinks are fitted with sensors and foot controlled pedals.

The hotel has a systemic approach to sustainability. Twice every shift staff patrol designated areas and check for any faulty plumbing and water leakages as part of the hotel’s Preventative Maintenance Program. Also, refrigerator and freezer temperatures are monitored and measured six times a day (twice per shift). These measures permit the hotel to collect valuable data regarding overall energy usage and maintain accurate records of any associated costs arising from repairs or replacement of equipment or parts.

About Mövenpick Mahotera & Resorts

Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts, yepasi rose upscale hotera manejimendi kambani ine vanopfuura zviuru gumi nevatanhatu vevashandi, inomiririrwa munyika makumi maviri neshanu nemakumi mapfumbamwe nematatu emahotera, nzvimbo dzekutandarira uye vafambisi veNile vari kushanda parizvino. Dzinosvika makumi maviri dzimba dzakarongwa kana kuvakwa, kusanganisira Chiang Mai (Thailand), Bali (Indonesia) uye Marrakech (Morocco).

Tichifunga nezvekuwedzera mukati memisika yayo yepakati peEurope, Africa, Middle East neAsia, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts inonyanya kuita bhizinesi nemusangano mahotera, pamwe nenzvimbo dzekuzorora, zvese zvichiratidza pfungwa yenzvimbo uye kuremekedza nharaunda dzavanogara. YeSwitzerland nhaka uye inotungamirwa nepakati peSwitzerland (Baar), Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts ine shungu yekuendesa basa repamberi uye kunakirwa kwekudya - zvese nekubata wega. Yakazvipira kutsigira nharaunda dzakachengetedzeka, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts ndiyo yave yakanyanya kambani yeGreen Globe hotera kambani pasi rese. Iyo kambani yehotera ndeyeMövenpick Holding (66.7%) uye neKingdom Group (33.3%). Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo, ndapota tinya pano.

Nezve Green Globe Certification

Green Globe ndiyo yepasirese inosimudzira sisitimu yakavakirwa pamaitiro anogamuchirwa pasi rose ekushanda kwakasimba uye manejimendi emabhizinesi ekufamba uye ekushanya. Ichishanda pasi perezinesi repasi rose, Green Globe inogara muCalifornia, USA uye inomiririrwa munyika dzinopfuura makumi masere nenhatu. Green Globe inhengo yakabatana yeUnited Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO).

Green Globe inhengo ye International Mubatanidzwa weVashanyi Partner (ICTP) .


  • Most of the immaculately appointed rooms and suites offer views of the city and guests can enjoy a variety of dining choices at the hotel's restaurants.
  • The Holy Mosque, Al Rawda Al Sharifa and Al Baqie are all within a few minutes from the hotel.
  • Ichishanda pasi perezinesi repasi rose, Green Globe inogara muCalifornia, USA uye inomiririrwa munyika dzinopfuura makumi masere nenhatu.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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