Qatar mahotera haadi 2022 World Cup ngochani vashanyi

Qatar mahotera haadi 2022 World Cup ngochani vashanyi
Qatar mahotera haadi 2022 World Cup ngochani vashanyi
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Mapoka ekodzero dzeLGBT + akadzokorora kutaura kushushikana kwakanyanya pamusoro pemabatirwo angaitwa varume nevakadzi muQatar kubva nyika yakapihwa kodzero dzekutambira World Cup muna 2010.

Kunetsekana kwekodzero dzengochani kwakauya sechikamu chekutsoropodza danho reFIFA rekudoma nyika iyo yakatarisana nemhosva yekutyora kodzero dzevashandi vanoenda kune dzimwe nyika ivo vachivaka nhandare inodiwa uye zvivakwa.

Boka revatapi venhau vekuEurope vanoongorora vachangobva kuburitsa zvakabuda mukuferefeta kwakazvimirira kwechangobva kuitika uko vakawana kuti pachine ruvengo rwakanyanya uye ruvengo rwakanyanya maererano nevarume vaviri vakaroorana kana zvasvika pakubhuka pekugara mumahotera. Kwata pamberi pe2022 World Cup. 

Mukuferefeta kwavo, vatori venhau venhepfenyuro dzehurumende muDenmark, Sweden neNorway vakaita sengochani dzichangochata dzichironga zororo ravo rehusiku apo vachiedza kubhuka kamuri mumahotera makumi matanhatu nepfumbamwe pane rondedzero yeFIFA yevanopa vanokurudzirwa.

Pasinei FIFA ichitaura kuti munhu wese kubva kumativi ese ehupenyu achagamuchirwa muQatar kana World Cup inotanga muna Mbudzi, mahotera matatu eQatari ari parunyorwa rweFIFA akaramba zvachose kubhurwa kubva kune varume nevakadzi vachipa mitemo yeQatar iyo inoita kuti ungochani huve zvisiri pamutemo, nepo vamwe makumi maviri vakadaidzira kuti ngochani dzirege kuratidza rudo pachena.

Mahotera akasara parunyorwa rweFIFA sezviri pachena akange asina nyaya dzekubvuma kuchengetwa kubva kune varume nevakadzi vakaroorana, maererano nemushumo wakabatanidzwa neNorway NRK, Sweden's SVT neDenmark's DR.

Qatar's Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC), dare rakapihwa basa rekuronga Mukombe weNyika, rinoziva zvakabuda mushumo uye rakati kunyangwe Qatar iri 'nyika inochengetedza', "vakazvipira kuendesa inosanganisirwa yeFIFA World". Chiitiko chemukombe chinogamuchirwa, chakachengeteka uye chinowanikwa kune vese.'

Vachitaura pamusoro pekuferefeta uku, FIFA yakazivisawo kuti inoramba ichivimba kuti 'matanho anodiwa' achange avapo panozotanga World Cup muna Mbudzi.

"FIFA ine chivimbo chekuti matanho ese anodiwa achave aripo kune vatsigiri veLGBTQ + kuitira kuti ivo, sevamwe vese, vanzwe kugamuchirwa uye vakachengeteka panguva yemakwikwi," vakati.


  • Despite FIFA stating that everyone from all walks of life will be welcome in Qatar when the World Cup kicks off in November, three Qatari hotels on FIFA’s list flatly refused bookings from same-sex couples citing Qatari laws that render homosexuality illegal, while twenty others have demanded that gay couples refrain from any public displays of affection.
  • A group of European investigative journalists has just released the results of a recent independent investigation in which they found that there remains a high degree of animosity and outright hostility regarding same-sex couples when it came to booking hotel accommodation in Qatar ahead of the 2022 World Cup.
  • Legacy (SC), the body tasked with arranging the World Cup, are aware of the findings of the report and said that while Qatar is a ‘conservative country’, they are ‘committed to delivering an inclusive FIFA World Cup experience that is welcoming, safe and accessible to all.



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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