Seychelles International Airways iri kuronga kutanga kubhururuka gore rinouya

rakanyorwa Alain St. Ange

Seychelles International Airways will start operations next year linking Seychelles with non-stop direct flights to Europe and the Far East.

Captain Robert Marie has confirmed that Seychelles International Airways will start operations next year linking Seychelles with non-stop direct flights to Europe and the Far East. After many years in the planning, the new airline from the mid-ocean islands of the Seychelles is said to be ready to take to the skies.

A budget of some US$20 million is said to be the cost for the first phase of this new private sector airline, and the Seychellois founder and CEO of the new Seychelles International Airways says that he has the right investor behind him.

Capt Marie has said that he has secured the services of Civil Air Operator Solutions (CAOS), an internationally-based team of management, pilots, engineers, regulatory, and commercial and financial consultants with expertise and a proven track record across the entire aviation industry.

The aircrafts for Seychelles International Airways are expected to be delivered by November this year to ensure that are ready to start operation by January next year. They are expecting to receive their Air Operation Certificate by December this year.

Capt. Robert Marie is expected to use Seychelles International Airport as his home base.



Alain St. Ange

Alain St Ange anga achishanda mubhizimusi rekushanya kubva 2009. Akagadzwa saDirector weKushambadzira weSychelles neMutungamiri uye Gurukota rezveKushanya James Michel.

Akagadzwa saMutungamiriri weKushambadzira weSychelles neMutungamiriri uye Gurukota rezveKushanya, James Michel. Mushure megore rimwe re

Mushure megore rimwe rebasa, akakwidziridzwa pachinzvimbo cheMukuru weSychelles Tourism Board.

Muna 2012 Indian Ocean Vanilla Islands Regional Organisation yakaumbwa uye St Ange yakagadzwa semutungamiri wekutanga wesangano.

Muna 2012 pakagadziridzwa zvakare dare remakurukota, St Ange akagadzwa seGurukota rezvekushanya neTsika iyo yaakasiya chigaro musi wa28 Zvita 2016 kuitira kuti aite chigaro chemunyori mukuru weWorld Tourism Organisation.

panguva UNWTO General Assembly muChengdu muChina, munhu aitsvakwa "Speakers Circuit" yekushanyirwa uye budiriro inoenderera yaive Alain St.Ange.

St.Ange ndiye aimbove gurukota rezvekushanyirwa kwenyika kuSeychelles, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine vakasiya basa muna Zvita gore rapfuura vachikwikwidza chigaro cheSecretary General we. UNWTO. Apo kukwikwidza kwake kana gwaro rekusimbisa rakabviswa nenyika yake kwasara zuva rimwe chete sarudzo dzemuMadrid dzisati dzaitwa, Alain St.Ange akaratidza hukuru hwake semukurukuri paakataura UNWTO kuungana nenyasha, chido, uye maitiro.

Kutaura kwake kunofambisa kwakanyorwa senge kune imwe yeakanakisa ekumaka hurukuro kuUN yenyika yepasi rose muviri.

Nyika dzemu Africa dzinowanzo rangarira kero yake yekuUganda yeEast Africa Tourism Platform apo iye aive muyenzi anokudzwa.

Sewaimbova Gurukota rezveKushanya, St. Ange aigara achitaura uye achifarirwa mutauri uye aiwanzoonekwa achitaurira maforamu uye misangano akamiririra nyika yake. Kukwanisa kwake kutaura 'kubva pahombodo' kwaigara kuchionekwa senge kugona kugona. Aigara achiti anotaura zvichibva pamoyo.

MuSeychelles anorangarirwa nekero yekumaka panguva yekuvhurwa kwepamutemo kwechitsuwa cheCarnaval International de Victoria paakadzokorora mazwi erwiyo rwaJohn Lennon rwakakurumbira… ”ungati ndiri muroti, asi handisi ndega. Rimwe zuva imi mose muchabatana nesu uye nyika ichave iri nani ". Mapepanhau epasi rese akaungana muSeychelles pazuva rakamhanya nemashoko aSt.Ange ayo akaita misoro kwese kwese.

St. Ange yakapa hurukuro yakakosha ye "Tourism & Bhizinesi Musangano muCanada"

Seychelles muenzaniso wakanaka wekushanya kwakasimba. Saka izvi hazvishamisi kuona Alain St.Ange achitsvakwa semukurukuri mudunhu renyika dzakawanda.

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