Sierra Leone inokudza Dr. Jane Goodall, ichigadzirisa danho rekushanya kwekutanga


Sierra Leone will welcome Dr. Jane Goodall (DBE, anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace), the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, during her three-day visit to the country, February 27 to March 1st where, 27 years ago, she was instrumental in the founding of the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. The three-day visit highlights the emerging conservation movement…

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Vanyoreri vanopinda pano Dzvanya apa kuti unyore MAHARA


  • Jane Goodall (DBE, anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace), the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, during her three-day visit to the country, February 27 to March 1st where, 27 years ago, she was instrumental in the founding of the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary.
  • The three-day visit highlights the emerging conservation movement….
  • Kunyoreswa ndekweMAHARA.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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