Times Square yeAsia: Inoshamisa Thailand inorira muna 2022

Central Pattana Plc Times Square yeAsia | eTurboNews | eTN
Thailand's Central World, iyo yepasirese countdown landmark, aka 'Times Square yeAsia', inovhenekera 'meseji yeramangwana riri nani' kupasirese nemafirework anoshamisa acharira muna 2022.

Mhemberero yeThailand ine mukurumbira pakati peBangkok, inozivikanwa se'Times Square yeAsia', ichave LIVE kutepfenyurwa chete kuve nehanya nemagariro uye kuve nechokwadi chehutano hwemunhu wese nekuchengetedzeka uku uchichengeta chiitiko ichi neyakakura-yakakura inoshamisa firework show. Izvo chaizvo zvichagadzira nguva dzisingakanganwike dzegore dzakafanana nedzimwe nzvimbo dzine mukurumbira dzekuverenga pasirese.

Central World yave iri No. Tichienda kumberi ku1, iyo yepasirese yekutenga nzvimbo inoratidzira inokatyamadza yakanakisa yeayo inoshamisa fireworks pasi pedingindira re. 'MESSAGE YEMATAMBO ARInani' izvo zvakare zvakawiriraniswa kubatanidza firework, iyo live orchestra kubva kuThailand Philharmonic Orchestra, uye chaiyo 3D graphic art inoratidzwa pane panOramix, yakakura kwazvo pasi rose inopindirana yedhijitari sikirini, kukwidziridza chimiro cheCentral World seimwe chete yepasirese kuverenga pasi pasi pa. mwoyo weBangkok.

Aya mafirework anonakidza, akafemerwa ne2021 anonyanya kutaurwa-nezve mafambiro epasirese, anoisa zvirevo zvakadzama uye zviratidzo zvinogona kududzirwa kuita nyaya isingakanganwike kufambisa simba rakanaka; 

Chiito 1: 'Simba rePositivity kuratidza kurudziro kubva kuThais kuenda kupasirese kuti munguva pfupi tichakunda denda iri.

Chiito 2: 'Kuwirirana kwenyika' kuratidza simba rekubatana sezvo tese tichitamba mabasa akakosha tichiwirirana mukubatana.

Chiito 3: 'Kuendesa Mufaro' ichiratidza mameseji mana anokurudzira ari 2021 anonyanya kutaurwa-nezve mafambiro epasirese: 

  • Chengetedza Nyika - Sezvo pasina puraneti B, tinokurudzira kuziva kwezvakatipoteredza uye shanduko inoenderera. 
  • Remekedza Kuenzana – Munyika izere nekusiyana, ngatigamuchirei runako rwemisiyano. 
  • Ramba Wakashinga -Kunyangwe tikadonha kangani, isu tichasimuka kuti tikunde chero mhando yemamiriro ezvinhu. 
  • Kufungidzira Ramangwana Rakanaka Kune Vese - Tenda musimba rekuzvipira uye hunyanzvi hweramangwana riri nani kune vese.

Kwakadaro kufemerwa kwe 'MESSAGE YEMATAMBO ARInani' mafirework akawiriraniswa - chiratidzo chinobva kuThailand kuratidza simba redu rakananga kunhanho yepasirese kuti tipfuure nedenda pamwechete. 


  • Moving forward to 2022, the global shopping center features the most stunning highlight of its spectacular fireworks under the theme of ‘MESSAGE FOR BETTER FUTURES’ which also are synchronized to combine the firework, the live orchestra from the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra, and the virtual 3D graphic art showing on the panOramix, the world’s largest interactive digital screen, to enhance Central World’s status as the one and only global countdown landmark at the heart of Bangkok.
  • Such are the inspiration of ‘MESSAGE FOR BETTER FUTURES’ synchronized fireworks – an emblem from Thailand to reflect our positive energy towards the world stage to get through the pandemic together.
  •  Imagining Better Futures for All – Believe in the power of commitment and innovation for a better future for all.



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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