Tobago inomutsidzira mu-munhu pasi rose tourism marketing

Iyo Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL) yakatanga nzira yekushambadzira yakawanda-yepamusoro-soro kuti idzorere kufarira kwekuenda kuTobago uye nekuisa hwaro hwekuwedzera kwevashanyi vanobva kumisika yakakosha yemhiri kwemakungwa. Mukushanduka kunoenderana nenguva kubva kumadhijitari uye kure kure ekushambadzira nzira dzakashandiswa panguva yekukwira kwedenda, Agency yaita zvakare kutengeserana kwekufamba kwenyika nekutanga kuenda kune yakakosha indasitiri yekushanya network uye zviitiko zvekusimudzira mumisika yevaenzi pasi rose.

United Kingdom

Zvichitevera kuratidzwa kwakabudirira paWTM London kubva muna Mbudzi 7-9, TTAL yakabatana neBBC Wildlife uye vanodyidzana nayo magazini kuita chiitiko chebespoke munaNovember 10 chakagadzirirwa kusimudzira ruzivo rweTobago senzvimbo ingangove yekuenda kuzororo pakati pevaverengi, uye kutora zvinotungamira kune ramangwana rebooking. . Vateereri vanga vakabatikana vakanakidzwa nenhaurirano yebvunzurudzo vachiongorora hunhu hwekushanyira Tobago uina Sachigaro Mukuru weTTAL Alicia Edwards uye mutungamiri wevashanyi venzvimbo William Trim, nemipiro yakaitwa neMunyori Mukuru weTobago, Hon. Farley Augustine. Chiitiko ichi chaisanganisirawo zvakakosha zvetsika yeTobago kuburikidza nevaraidzo inorarama uye chikafu chinonaka chekukwezva vanenge varipo nekuravira kweTobago.

TTAL yakaitisawo chiitiko chekufambisa chinobatikadza uye chiitiko chetiweki muLondon pre-WTM musi wa3 Mbudzi, izvo zvakabvumira kutarisisa, kusangana-kune-mumwe nevanopfuura makumi matatu vamiririri vekufambisa uye vamiriri veku UK-based hotel. Chikwata cheTTAL chakaratidzira nzvimbo yeTobago's nevanonyanya kukwezva, vanopinda varipo vachiona zvinoonekwa uye nemanzwi echitsuwa ichi nevaraidzo yetsika uye Tobago-themed cuisine.

Zviitiko izvi zvakateera kuita kweTTAL kwekutanga niche-musika kuUK paNational Wedding Show, yakaitwa muna Gumiguru 15 na16 muExcel London. Iyo UK National Wedding show ndiyo hombe yekutengeserana yemuchato kuUnited Kingdom uye imwe yemakuru muEurope. Sezvo musika wemuchato wakaonekwa neTTAL senzvimbo yakakosha yekutarisisa mukukura kwekushanya kweTobago, kutora chikamu kweTTAL kwakabatsira kuvaka ruzivo rwekutengesa kwevatengi uye rwekufamba rwezvitsuwa senzvimbo inotariswa yekuenda kuzororo rerudo. 

North America 

Over in the USA, Destination Tobago was represented at this year’s Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA) Show from November 1 to 4 in Orlando, Florida. TTAL officials attended along with members of the Tobago Dive Association to create business linkages and explore new opportunities for the destination in dive tourism. The 4-day event brought together key members of the international dive industry, including retailers, tour operators and destination promoters. As the main hub for professional divers to garner insights on traveling to the best diving destinations in the world, DEMA Show was a key platform for TTAL to promote Tobago’s globally competitive dive product.

Commenting on TTAL’s resumption of in-person engagement strategies and their importance, Executive Chairman Ms. Alicia Edwards stated:

“A return to live events that target niche industry operators and consumers is a worthwhile endeavour in our goal of placing destination Tobago within the consideration set of travellers in our target markets. TTAL will continue to seek out and participate in relevant global trade events that have the potential to bolster bookings to our unspoilt island and drive much-needed business opportunities to our local tourism enterprises.”

In additional strategic efforts to boost arrivals to Tobago, the Agency continues to work towards finding best-practice solutions for airlift and connectivity issues that limit the tourism industry’s growth potential. As such, TTAL partnered with the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago to attend the Routes World Forum in Las Vegas from October 16-18, 2022. Tobago’s tourism officials gained exclusive insight from airline CEOs and industry heavyweights as they discussed the current state of the industry, and the actions that must be taken to stimulate post-Covid recovery and increase airlift.

In looking at arrivals to the destination holistically, TTAL also sought to harness the potential from cruise business across the region by attending this year’s Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Conference in the Dominican Republic from October 11 to 14. The FCCA Cruise Conference is the only official cruise conference representing the Caribbean, Mexico and Central and South America, designed to foster a better understanding of the cruise industry and help attendees improve their cruise tourism business.

The Tobago Tourism Agency Limited continues to work assiduously on behalf of Tobago to get tourism in Tobago back to where it should be once again, combining established marketing best-practices with evolved post-COVID engagement strategies to increase destination Tobago’s global competitiveness in travel and tourism. 



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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