Kushongedzwa kwekushanya: Kwete chete nezve maruva uye kugadzirwa kwenzvimbo

This June, people from around the world will be seeking news ways to break away from the consistent quarantines and lockdowns and once again experience the beauty of travel. In this world of wanting to break free, a locale’s physical appearance will be more important than ever. Communities that hope to use travel and tourism as economic development tools might do well to consider some of the following points and then work at not only greening their communities but also their bottom lines.

ushanyi runako is not only about planting flowers and doing creative landscaping. Beautification is a prerequisite for economic development. Cities that fail to understand this essential point pay dearly by having to compensate for their lack of beauty by trying to bring in new businesses and tax-paying citizens through expensive economic incentive packages that almost never succeed. On the other hand, cities that have taken the time to beautify themselves often have people seeking to locate in their community.

It is also about the way that we beautify our insides, the treatment that we afford our customer and the way that we treat the other members of our community. To help you deal with beautification projects here are some pointers to consider.

Runako runobatsira sangano rekushanya kuti rikure nekukwezva vashanyi vazhinji, kupa kutaura kwakanaka kwemuromo, kugadzira nharaunda inokoka iyo inosimudzira mweya yevashandi vebasa, uye inoita kuti kudada kwenharaunda kunowanzo konzera kudzikiswa kwehuwandu hwehutsotsi.

-Tarisa munharaunda yako semaonerwo angaitwa nevamwe. All too often we become so accustomed to run down appearances, dirt, or lack of green spaces that we simply come to accept these eyesores as part of our urban or rural landscaping. Take the time to view your area through the eyes of a visitor. Are there dumpsites in clear view? How well are lawns kept? Is garbage dealt with in a clean and efficient manner? Then ask yourself, would you want to visit this community?



Chiremba Peter E. Tarlow

Dr. Peter E. Tarlow mutauri ane mukurumbira pasi rose uye nyanzvi inyanzvi mukukanganisa kwehutsotsi nehugandanga muindasitiri yekushanya, chiitiko uye kutungamira njodzi yekushanya, uye kushanya nekusimudzira hupfumi. Kubva 1990, Tarlow anga achibatsira nharaunda yekushanya nenyaya dzakadai sekuchengetedzwa kwekufamba uye kuchengetedzeka, kusimukira kwehupfumi, kushambadzira kwekugadzira, uye kufunga kwekugadzira.

Semunyori anozivikanwa mundima yekuchengetedzwa kwekushanya, Tarlow munyori ari kubatsira kumabhuku akawanda ekuchengetedza kushanya, uye anoburitsa akawanda ezvidzidzo uye akashandisa zvinyorwa zvetsvakiridzo zvine chekuita nenyaya dzekuchengetedza zvinosanganisira zvinyorwa zvakaburitswa muThe Futurist, Journal of Travel Research uye. Security Management. Tarlow yakawanda yezvinyorwa zvehunyanzvi uye zvehunyanzvi zvinosanganisira zvinyorwa zvenyaya senge: "kushanya kwakasviba", dzidziso dzehugandanga, uye kusimukira kwehupfumi kuburikidza nekushanya, chitendero uye hugandanga uye rwendo rwekushanya. Tarlow inonyorawo uye kushambadza yakakurumbira pa-line tourism newsletter Tourism Tidbits inoverengwa nezviuru zvevashanyi uye nyanzvi dzekufambisa kutenderera pasirese mune yayo Chirungu, Spanish, uye Portuguese editions.


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