Tourism Canada: Utano hweVictoria Harbor huchagadziriswa


Nzvimbo yakachena yeVictoria harbor inzvimbo inofarirwa nevagari nevashanyi kwezvizvarwa. Izvo zvakakoshawo pakurarama kwemhuka dzesango dzemugungwa, sezvo iri nzvimbo yakakosha yekudyisa uye tsime rekudya.
Victoria Harbor ichiteshi chengarava, chiteshi chezvikepe, uye nendege yegungwa iri muguta reCanada reVictoria, British Columbia.

A yakachena Victoria harbor is an area enjoyed by residents and tourists for generations. It is also essential for the survival of local marine wildlife, as it is an important feeding ground and source of food.

Victoria Harbour is a harbor, seaport, and seaplane airport located in the Canadian city of Victoria, British Columbia. It serves as a cruise ship and ferry destination for tourists and visitors to the city and Vancouver Island. It is both a port of entry and an airport of entry for general aviation

Today, Transport Canada awarded approximately $ Miriyoni 17.66 in a contract to QM/JJM Contracting JV to restore the environmental health of Laurel Point Park and the harbour by removing persistent contaminants from the ecosystem.

Between 1906 and 1975, Laurel Point Park, located in the Middle Harbour of Victoria, was the site of a paint factory. Industrial activities left persistent contaminants in the soil, posing a threat to marine life. The pollutants do not pose a risk to residents and park users.

The Laurel Point Park cleanup is the final phase of Transport Canada’s comprehensive Middle Harbour Remediation Project to preserve the harbour and remove persistent contaminants from the ecosystem. The first phase successfully remediated contaminated underwater sediments in Victoria Harbor. Work on the final phase will begin next month and is expected to end by late next year. Workers will dig up contaminated soil at Laurel Point Park, backfill the area with clean soil and re-turf the park.

The Middle Harbour Remediation Project is funded through the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP), which is coordinated by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, and provides funding to assess and remediate federal contaminated sites. The Government of Kanadha is taking action under the FCSAP to preserve our ecosystems for generations to come.

“Hurumende Kanadha takes its responsibility to clean up federal contaminated sites like Victoria's Middle Harbour seriously. Today’s announcement demonstrates action and illustrates our ongoing commitment to protecting Canada marine environment and for residents.”

Anokudzwa Marc Garneau, Gurukota rezvekutakura

"Victoria Harbor is shared by industry, tourism businesses and local wildlife, and a perfect example of how the environment and the economy go hand in hand. This project will preserve Laurel Point Park as a feeding ground for wildlife, a place for locals to relax, and an attraction for tourists that will benefit generations to come.”

Joyce Murray, Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board and Minister of Digital Government



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
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