Kufamba kuenda kuWestchester County, New York ine mikana zvakare panguva yeCOVID-19

Kufamba kuenda kuWestchester County, New York ine mikana zvakare panguva yeCOVID-19
rakanyorwa Linda Hohnholz

Sangana naNatasha Caputo, director for Tourism uye Firimu yeWestchester County, New York.

Natasha ndiye anotungamira kusimudzira Westchester County, New York senzvimbo inoshanda uye ine bhizinesi nharaunda nekusimudzira chimiro chayo uye kutyaira yakanaka brand kuziva pakati pevatengi nemabhizinesi. Akagadzira hwaro maererano nekukosha kwekushanya, kusanganisira kugadzira kubatana kwakasarudzika nenhepfenyuro uye indasitiri yevaraidzo, zvichikonzera kuwedzera kwe60% mukugadzirwa kwekutora muWestchester County uye kuwedzera kwekudyidzana ne280% +

Kushanya kuri kushanda sei panguva yeCOVID-19.
Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo nezve Westchester County Tourism enda              www.visitwestchesterny.com/



  • She established a foundation regarding the importance of tourism, including creating a unique connection with the media and entertainment industry, resulting in a 60% increase in production in filming in Westchester County and an increase in social engagement by 280%+.
  • Natasha is in charge to promote Westchester County, New York as a proactive and viable business environment by enhancing its image and driving positive brand awareness among consumers and businesses.
  • Sangana naNatasha Caputo, director for Tourism uye Firimu yeWestchester County, New York.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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