Tsogo Sun inowedzera mabasa ayo ekugara kwevashanyi muMozambique

Tsogo Sun, a tourist accommodation and hotel facilities in Southern African region, is now expanding its investments in Southern Africa by opening up a new facility in Mozambican capital of Maputo. Based in South Africa, the Tsogo Sun chain has expanded its investment in Mozambique’s vibrant capital city with the construction of a brand new…

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  • Tsogo Sun, inzvimbo inoshanyirwa nevashanyi uye nenzvimbo dzemahotera mudunhu reSouthern Africa, yava kuwedzera mabhindauko ayo muSouthern Africa nekuvhura nzvimbo itsva muguta guru reMozambique reMaputo.
  • Based in South Africa, the Tsogo Sun chain has expanded its investment in Mozambique's vibrant capital city with the construction of a brand new….
  • Kunyoreswa ndekweMAHARA.



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