Vafambi vekuUS vane chikwereti chemadhora mazana mashanu nemakumi mashanu nemana kubva kunonoka kwendege yekuUS


Muna 2017, ndege dzinopfuura 2,200 dzinobva kuEU dzakavhiringidzwa panhandare dzendege gumi dzeUnited States. Asi ndeipi nhandare yendege yekuUS yaive yakanyanya kunonoka nekumisa ndege? AirHelp yakaongorora kufambiswa kwemhepo kwendege gumi dzakakura dzeUnited States muna 10, ndokuona kuti kuvhiringika kwendege kwakawanda kwakaitika kuNewark Liberty International Airport, uye kushoma kwakaitika paHouston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Ndege dzakawanda dzakanonotswa kana kukanzurwa paJohn F. Kennedy International Airport, San Francisco International Airport, uye Los Angeles International Airport.

Newark Liberty International Airport: 29.7% yendege dzese dzakasimuka zvisina tsarukano

Pandege dzese dzakasimuka kubva kuNewark Liberty International Airport muna 2017, dzinopfuura makumi maviri nepfumbamwe muzana dzakakanganiswa. Zvinoenderana nemhedzisiro iyi, nhandare yendege yakaratidza kuita kwakaipisisa panguva ye29 hombe dzendege dzeUnited States. Uyewo, paJohn F. Kennedy International Airport neSan Francisco International Airport, inopfuura 10% yezvikepe zvose zvakaratidza matambudziko ekubhururuka.

Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport: nhandare yendege inoita zvakanaka

George Bush Intercontinental Airport yakaratidza kuita kwepamusoro-nguva kwenzvimbo gumi dzendege huru, inopfuura makumi masere nerimwe muzana endege dzese dzakasimuka sezvakarongwa. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport neDenver International Airport yakaratidzawo zvibereko zvakanaka maererano nekushanda nenguva muna 10, sezvo zvinopfuura 81% zvendege dzose dzakasimuka pasina kukanganisa.

Muripo wekukanganiswa kwendege pasi peEC 261: $451 miriyoni yevafambi veUnited States

Ndege dzakamiswa kana kunonoka dzinogona kupa mutyairi wega wega mvumo yekuwana muripo unosvika madhora mazana manomwe pasi pemutemo weEuropean EC 700, unobata vafambi vekuUS pandege kuenda kuEU nendege dzeEU, uye nendege dzinobva kuEU. Pasi peEC 261, vafambi vendege vekuUnited States vane chikwereti chinosvika madhora 261 miriyoni yekuvhiringika kwendege kunoitika kunhandare dzendege dzeUS muna 451. Kana ndege ikanonoka, kukodzera kubhadharwa kunoenderana nedaro rekubhururuka, nguva chaiyo yekusvika panhandare yendege, uye chikonzero chekuvhiringidza, sezvo ndege dzakakanganiswa nekuda kwemamiriro ezvinhu anoshamisa, semamiriro okunze akaoma kana kusagadzikana kwezvematongerwo enyika, hazvina kukodzera. Vafambi vanenge vabatwa nechirwere ichi vanogona kutora muripo wavo kusvika makore matatu apfuura kubva mukufamba kwavo nendege kwakavhiringwa.

Henrik Zillmer, CEO weAirHelp, anotsinhira pane zvakawanikwa:

"Zvose, nhandare dzendege dzakaongororwa dzakaratidza migumisiro yakaipa maererano ne-nguva-kushanda kwegore rose ra 2017. Panogona kunge kune zvinhu zvisingatarisirwi zvakadai semamiriro ekunze akaipa, kunyanya muAutumn neChando apo nhandare dzendege dziri kunetseka zvakanyanya nemamiriro ekunze akaoma kupfuura muChirimo kana Muchirimo. Zvakadaro, kana uchinge wakanganiswa nekunonoka kana kukanzurwa nendege, tinokukurudzira kuti utarise kana uine kodzero yekubhadharwa kubva kune kambani inotungamira ndege. Pakazara, vafambi muUnited States vakave nekodzero yekuwana muripo wemadhora mazana mana nemakumi mashanu emamiriyoni muna 451. "

Pazasi pane masanji epamusoro gumi enhandare dzendege kubva pane akanakisa kusvika pakuipisisa pane-nguva kuita:

1. Houston: George Bush Intercontintal Airport (IAH) - 81.77% Panguva
2. Atlanta: Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (ATL) – 81.65% Panguva
3. Denver: Denver International Airport (DEN) - 80.31% Panguva
4. Dallas: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) – 78.41% Nenguva
5. Charlotte: Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CTL) - 78.40% Panguva
6. Chicago: O'Hare International Airport (ORD) – 77.80% Panguva
7. Los Angeles: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) - 75.63% Panguva
8. San Francisco: San Francisco International Airport (SFO) - 72.78% Panguva
9. New York: John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) - 72.24% Panguva
10. New Jersey: Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) – 70.29% Panguva


  • When a flight is delayed, eligibility for compensation depends on the distance of the flight, the actual arrival time at the destination airport, and the reason for the disruption, as flights disrupted due to extraordinary circumstances, like severe weather or political unrest, are not eligible.
  • AirHelp analyzed air traffic for the 10 biggest United States airports in 2017, and found that most flight disruptions occurred at Newark Liberty International Airport, and the least occurred at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
  • Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and Denver International Airport also presented good results in terms of on-time performance in 2017, as more than 80% of all flights departed without any disruptions.



Mukuru Wekugadzwa Mupepeti

Chief Assignment editor ndiOleg Siziakov

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