Uganda inotarisira kufadza vashanyi nemabhangi matsva

Bhanga reUganda rakatanga

The Bank of Uganda launched new redesigned banknotes earlier in the week, which will now be gradually introduced into the local economy. The present 1,000 and 5,000 Uganda Shilling notes have been given a makeover, incorporating not only the latest security features and arguably given the notes a longer life span through new production processes, but in addition, a new note with the value of 2,000 Uganda Shillings was also launched, which is equivalent to approximately US$1.

Zvinonzwisiswa kuti manoti echiuru chimwe chete nezviuru zvishanu zveshereni zvichabviswa zvishoma nezvishoma pamusika, sezvo chero chimiro chawo chatadza kuoneka uye kunyanya vashanyi vaiwanzoonekwa vachinyara kugamuchira manotsi akasakara uye akasakara sechinjo kana vachitenga zvinhu. kubva kune vatengesi vepa curio uye zvitoro. Izvi hazvina kupa chimiro chakanaka kune vashanyi kunyanya, uye chiito chechimbichimbi chaidiwa kugadzirisa mamiriro acho ezvinhu.

Nekudaro, zvinyorwa zvitsva pasina mubvunzo zvichasimudza chitarisiko chitsva icho Uganda ichipa kune vashanyi vayo vanobva kunze kwenyika, budiriro inofanirwa nebouquet yeBhange reUganda.

Zvichakadaro, mukufambira mberi kwehupfumi hwenyika, hurumende yakaburitsa huwandu huchangoburwa hweinflation, uye inodada ichiti kudonha kubva painflation yakapetwa kaviri, panguva yekukwira kwedambudziko remari nehupfumi hwenyika, kusvika pari zvino "chete" 5.9 muzana, inotungamirwa zvakanyanya kukwira kwemitengo yemafuta nguva dzose. Mamiriro akafanana akashumwa kubva munharaunda yese, uko kukwira kwemitengo kwakawira pasi pahupamhi uye fungidziro yekukura kwehupfumi yakasimudzwa mubhodhi rose.

Idzi data dzichangoburwa dzakaburitswa kutanga kwesvondo neUganda Bureau of Statistics yakabatana neBhangi reUganda neBazi reMari. Kukura kwehupfumi kwegore ra2010/11 kunotarisirwa kunge kuri pakati pe7 ne8 muzana, zvichipa tarisiro yakanaka yehupfumi hwenzvimbo munguva pfupi uye tarisiro yakanaka kwazvo munguva yepakati uye yakareba apo kugadzirwa kwemafuta kunotanga uye yakakura. chidimbu chemari inoshandiswa nenyika pakuunzwa kwemafuta edzimotokari kubva kunze kwenyika inogona kupihwa kune mamwe mapazi akakosha akaita sedzidzo, hutano, nekuvandudzwa kwezvivakwa.


  • Economic growth for the 2010/11 period is expected to be in the range of between 7 and 8 percent, giving overall good prospects for the local economy in the near term and excellent prospects in the medium and long term when oil production starts and a huge chunk of national spending on the importation of fuels can then be dedicated to other crucial sectors like education, health, and infrastructural developments.
  • The present 1,000 and 5,000 Uganda Shilling notes have been given a makeover, incorporating not only the latest security features and arguably given the notes a longer life span through new production processes, but in addition, a new note with the value of 2,000 Uganda Shillings was also launched, which is equivalent to approximately US$1.
  • It is understood that the present one- and five-thousand shilling notes will be progressively withdrawn from the market, as in any case their general appearance has suffered and in particular tourists were often seen shy of accepting old and tattered notes as change when purchasing items from local curio traders and shops.



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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