Dare Repamusorosoro reUK: pasipoti isina kwayakarerekera kwete 'kodzero yemunhu'

UK Supreme Court: Gender neutral pasipoti kwete 'kodzero yemunhu'
UK Supreme Court: Gender neutral pasipoti kwete 'kodzero yemunhu'
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

Dambudziko remutemo rakaunzwa kuhurumende yeBritish mushure mekunge murwiri wekodzero dze LGBTQ asina kugadzikana achiti kushaikwa kwe 'X' sarudzo inotyora mitemo yekodzero dzevanhu.

Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, India, Malta, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand nePakistan zvese zvinoburitswa. mapasipoti asina kwaakarerekera kune murume nemukadzi.

Germany inopawo imwe yekuwedzera intersex chikamu.

Asi kuUnited Kingdom, nyika yacho Dare Repamusorosoro ichangobva kukandira hurumende mhosva yekutadza kupa hurumende mapasipoti asina kwaakarerekera kune murume nemukadzi.

Dambudziko remutemo rakaunzwa kuhurumende yeBritish mushure mekunge murwiri wekodzero dze LGBTQ asina kugadzikana achiti kushaikwa kwe 'X' sarudzo inotyora mitemo yekodzero dzevanhu.

Christie Elan-Cane, anozviti "asina murume" munhu "ari kurwira kuti azivikanwe zviri pamutemo," akatanga akatanga nyaya yemutemo kuti awane kuzivikanwa zviri pamutemo kuvanhu vekuBritain vasingazvizivise semurume kana munhukadzi.

Mutemo waElan-Cane wakarambwa neDare Rekukwidza muna Kurume 2020, iro rakati mutemo uripo hautyore kodzero dzevanhu.

The Dare Repamusorosoro nemusi weChitatu vakarasa chikumbiro chaElan-Cane, vachipa Hofisi yeKumba kumwe kukunda. 

Vachidzivirira mutemo uripo, unoda kuti vagari vemuUK vazviratidze semurume kana mukadzi pamapasipoti avo, Dare Repamusorosoro rakati kuti murume kana mukadzi chikamu chemaitiro anobatsira zviremera kusimbisa kuzivikanwa kweanonyorera.

"Saka ihwo hukadzi hunocherechedzwa nekuda kwezvikonzero zvepamutemo uye zvakanyorwa mumagwaro aya akakodzera," Lord Reed, mutungamiri weDare Repamusorosoro, vakadaro mumutongo, vachiramba kuti murume kana murume "hachisi chinhu chakakosha pakuvapo kwemumhan'ari." identity." 

Elan-Cane akapindura neshungu kumutongo uyu paTwitter, achinyunyuta kuti "hurumende yeUK uye hurongwa hwekutonga huri kudivi risiri renhoroondo," vachitadza kupa rukudzo kune vanhu vasina murume.

Achipika kuti mutongo weDare Repamusorosoro "hausi iwo magumo," Elan-Cane zvino achaendesa kuda kwake kunoshamisa kuEuropean Court of Human Rights, iyo ichapidigura (anotarisira) mutongo kubva kumatare eBritish.


  • “It is therefore the gender recognized for legal purposes and recorded in those documents which is relevant,” Lord Reed, the president of the Supreme Court, said in the ruling, dismissing gender as not being “a particularly important facet of the appellant’s existence or identity.
  • Defending the existing rule, which requires UK citizens to identify as either male or female on their passports, the Supreme Court said that gender forms part of the process that helps authorities confirm an applicant's identity.
  • Vowing that the Supreme Court's decision is “not the end,” Elan-Cane will now take her bizarre quest to the European Court of Human Rights, which would overturn (she hopes) the decision from the British courts.



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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