US inobhadharisa 6 ndege dzendege $7.25 miriyoni yekuramba kudzoserwa kwevatengi

US inobhadharisa 6 ndege dzendege $7.25 miriyoni yekuramba kudzoserwa kwevatengi
US inobhadharisa 6 ndege dzendege $7.25 miriyoni yekuramba kudzoserwa kwevatengi
rakanyorwa Harry Johnson

DOT yakagamuchira mafashama ezvichemo kubva kune vanofamba nendege nezvekutadza kwendege kudzosera mari nenguva.

Dhipatimendi reUnited States of Transportation (DOT) rakazivisa zviito zvezvekumanikidza ndege nhanhatu, idzo dzakabhadhara mari inodarika hafu yebhirioni yemadhora kuvanhu vaive nechikwereti chekudzoserwa nekuda kwekukanzurwa kana kushanduka zvakanyanya. Idzi faindi chikamu chebasa ririkuenderera mberi reDOT rekuona kuti vanhu vekuAmerica vawana mari dzakadzoserwa dzavanokwereta kubva kundege.

Kubva pakatanga Covid-19 denda, US DOT yakagamuchira mafashama ezvichemo kubva kune vafambi vendege nezvekutadza kwendege kudzosera mari nenguva mushure mekunge ndege dzadzo dzakadzimwa kana kuchinjwa zvakanyanya. 

“Kana ndege ikanzurwa, vafambi vari kutsvaga kudzoserwa mari vanofanirwa kubhadharwa nekukasika. Kana izvo zvikasaitika, isu tichaita kuti ndege dzizvidavirire panzvimbo yevafambi vekuAmerica uye kudzoreredza vafambi mari yavo. " akadaro Secretary of Transportation weUS, Pete Buttigieg. "Kukanzurwa nendege kunoshungurudza zvakakwana, uye haufanirwe kunetsekana kana kumirira mwedzi kuti uwane mari yako." 

Pamusoro pemari inodarika mazana matanhatu emamiriyoni emadhora ekudzoreredza ndege dzakabhadhara, Dhipatimendi rakazivisa nhasi kuti riri kuongorora mari inodarika madhora 600 miriyoni muzvirango zvehurumende kune nhanhatu dzendege nekunonoka kwakanyanya mukudzosera mari. Nemafaindi anhasi, Hofisi yeDhipatimendi reAviation Consumer Protection yakaongorora madhora 7.25 miriyoni muzvirango zvevagari muna 8.1, mari yakakura kwazvo yakambopihwa mugore rimwe chete nehofisi iyoyo. Ruzhinji rwefaindi dzakaongororwa dzichaunganidzwa nenzira yekubhadhara kuDhipatimendi rePfuma, uye inosara ichitendwa pahwaro hwekubhadhara kune vafambi kupfuura zvinodiwa nemutemo. Kuedza kweDhipatimendi kwakabatsira kuti mazana ezviuru zvevafambi vapihwe mari inodarika hafu yebhirioni yemadhora mukudzorerwa kunodiwa. Dhipatimendi rinotarisira kupa mamwe maodha anoongorora zvirango zvevanhu zvekutyora kuchengetedza kwevatengi gore rino rekare. 

Mafaindi akaongororwa uye anodiwa madzosero akapihwa ndeaya: 

  • kwekumaodzanyemba - $222 miriyoni mukudzoserwa kunodiwa kwakabhadharwa uye chirango chemadhora miriyoni 2.2 
  • Air India - $121.5 miriyoni mukudzoserwa kunodiwa kwakabhadharwa uye chirango chemadhora miriyoni 1.4 
  • TAP Portugal - $126.5 miriyoni mukudzoserwa kunodiwa kwakabhadharwa uye chirango chemadhora miriyoni 1.1 
  • Aeromexico - $ 13.6 miriyoni mukudzoserwa kunodiwa kwakabhadharwa uye $900,000 chirango 
  • El Al - $61.9 miriyoni mukudzoserwa kunodiwa kwakabhadharwa uye chirango che900,000 
  • Avianca - $76.8 miriyoni mukudzoserwa kunodiwa kwakabhadharwa uye $750,000 chirango 

Pasi pemutemo weUS, vendege nevamiriri vematikiti vane chisungo chepamutemo chekudzosera vatengi mari kana ndege ikanzura kana kuchinja zvakanyanya ndege kuenda, kubva nemukati meUnited States, uye mutyairi haadi kugamuchira imwe nzira yakapihwa. Hazvisi pamutemo kuti kambani yendege irambe kudzoserwa mari uye ichipa mavhocha kuvatengi vakadaro.  

Mafaindi akaziviswa nhasi ndeimwe yenhanho dzakawanda dziri kutora Dhipatimendi kuchengetedza vatengi. Pazasi pane mamwe matanho akaitwa neDOT: 

  • During the summer, the Department rolled out a new airline customer service dashboard to help consumers determine what they are owed when a flight is cancelled or delayed because of an airline issue. Previously, none of the 10 largest U.S. airlines guaranteed meals or hotels when a delay or cancellation was within the airlines’ control, and only one offered free rebooking. However, after Secretary Buttigieg called on airlines to improve their service and created this dashboard, nine airlines now guarantee meals and hotels when an airline issue causes a cancellation or delay and all 10 guarantee free rebooking. The Department will continue to work to increase transparency so Americans know exactly what the airlines are providing when they have a cancellation or delay. 
  • The Department’s proposed rule on Airline Ticket Refunds, if adopted, would: 1) require airlines to proactively inform passengers that they have a right to receive a refund when a flight is canceled or significantly changed, and 2) define a significant change and cancellation that would entitle a consumer to a refund. The rule would also 3) require airlines to provide non-expiring vouchers or travel credits when people can’t travel because they have COVID-19 or other communicable diseases; and 4) require airlines that receive significant government assistance in the future related to a pandemic to issue refunds instead of non-expiring travel credits or vouchers when passengers are unable or advised not to travel because of a serious communicable disease. The Department invites the public to submit comment on this rulemaking by December 16, 2022. The Department’s Aviation Consumer Protection Advisory Committee will publicly deliberate on the Department’s proposed rule on Airline Ticket Refunds and decide on recommendations to make to the Department at a virtual meeting on December 9, 2022. 
  • The Department has proposed a rule that would significantly strengthen protections for consumers by ensuring that they have access to certain fee information before they purchase their airline tickets. Under the proposed rule, airlines and travel search websites would have to disclose upfront – the first time an airfare is displayed – any fees charged to sit with your child, for changing or cancelling your flight, and for checked or carry-on baggage. The proposal seeks to provide customers the information they need to choose the best deal. Otherwise, surprise fees can add up quickly and overcome what may look at first to be a cheap fare. DOT encourages members of the public and interested parties to submit comments by December 19, 2022. 



Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson anga ari iye mupepeti wedhisheni we eTurboNews kwemakore anopfuura 20. Anogara kuHonolulu, Hawaii, uye anobva kuEurope. Anofarira kunyora uye kuvhara nhau.

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