USA inomisa kuenda kuUK nekuIreland


The United States will suspend all air travel from the U.K. and Ireland in addition to all other 13 European gateways what now includes all EU Schengen countries plus Switzerland and several other European countries. as well.  The President includes all foreigners that had been in Europe in the last 2 weeks. This will be…

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  • and Ireland in addition to all other 13 European gateways what now includes all EU Schengen countries plus Switzerland and several other European countries.
  •   The President includes all foreigners that had been in Europe in the last 2 weeks.
  • The United States will suspend all air travel from the U.



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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