Ongororo Yakashata Yehotera? Ipa mhosva kune mamiriro ekunze

WEATHER mufananidzo nerubatsiro rweWolfgang Claussen kubva | eTurboNews | eTN
mufananidzo nerubatsiro rwaWolfgang Claussen kubva kuPixabay

Mamiriro edu ekunze ekunze — mune iyi mamiriro ekunze — anogona kuve chinhu mukutonga kwedu kwepamhepo, kunyanya kuongororwa kwemahotera.


Ongororo yepamhepo uye ongororo sezviri pachena inokanganiswa nemamiriro ekunze asina kunaka pazuva raakanyorwa. Mamiriro ekunze akaipa akaenzana nekutsoropodza mune zvakadzama.

Izvi zvinoenderana netsvagiridzo nyowani kubva kuHebrew University yeJerusarema (HU) uye University of Lucerne, Switzerland. Chidzidzo chekupedzisira, chakabudiswa mu Journal of Consumer Research, chinoratidza kuti mamiriro ekunze akaipa mavara maonero ezvakaitika kare.

Kunzwisisa kuti mafungiro anoumbwa sei uye sarudzo dzinoitwa pamhepo ndiyo inotarisa kutsvagurudzo yaDr. Yaniv Dover weHU Jerusalem Business School uye Federmann Center yekudzidza kweRationality.

Tsvagiridzo yaDr. Dover, vachibatsirana naProf. Leif Brandes vepaUniversity yeLucerne, Switzerland, vakashandisa makore gumi nemaviri edata uye 12 miriyoni yekubhuka mahotera kuongorora kuti 3 isingazivikanwe online wongororo yemahotera yaive. kukanganiswa nemamiriro ekunze pazuva radzakanyorwa.

Uku kwaive kuongororwa kwakaomarara kwaisanganisira kuenzanisa pakati pekuchengetera kwakaitwa nemutengi uye ongororo yakanyorwa, kuratidza mamiriro ekunze panzvimbo yemuongorori, nyeredzi yakapihwa, kupatsanurwa kwemazwi akashandiswa kutsanangura kugara, uye mamiriro ekunze akaitika panguva gara pahotera. Vatsvagiri vakashandisawo yakasarudzika nhamba yemuenzaniso iyo inoverengera kune ese sarudzo yekupa wongororo uye zvirimo muongororo.

Kushata kwemamiriro ekunze (kunaya kwemvura kana sinou) kwakaderedza ongororo yevaongorori yeruzivo rwavo rwekare muhotera.

Muchokwadi, mamiriro ekunze asina kunaka akakanganisa wongororo kusvika pakuda kudzikisa hotera kubva pa5- kusvika pa4-nyeredzi. Mamiriro ekunze akaipa akaitawo kuti vaongorori vanyore nguva yakareba uye yakanyanya kutsoropodza uye yakadzama ongororo. Tsvagiridzo yakaratidza kuti pamazuva ekunaya kwemvura, paive nemukana wakakura wekusarudza kunyora wongororo uye kuti mamiriro ekunze ezuva iroro aienderana nemamiriro ekunze avakasangana nawo panguva yekugara kwavo Vanyori vanoti izvi zvinogona kuitika nekuti mazuva ekunze asina kunaka. konzeresa ndangariro dzakaipa kana kukonzeresa mafungiro anotsveta ongororo.

"Iyi tsvakurudzo ine zvakawanda zvakapamhama nokuti inoratidza, kekutanga, kuti mamiriro edu ekunze ekunze-munyaya iyi mamiriro ekunze-anogona kuva chikonzero chekutonga kwedu paIndaneti," anodaro Dover. "Rudzi urwu rwekutsvagisa" runofumura chikamu chesimba renyika yedu itsva yedhijitari ... uye inogona kubatsira vanogadzira mitemo kuronga zvirongwa zvekuvandudza mainjiniya ane zvibereko uye ane hutano mhedzisiro yezviitwa zvepamhepo pahupenyu hwedu hwezuva nezuva.

Dzimwe nhau nezvemahotera


  • The research showed that on rainy days, there was a higher chance of deciding to write a review and that the effect of weather that day’s weather was independent of the weather they experienced during their stay The authors suggest that this effect may be because bad weather days trigger more negative memories or induce a negative mood which colors the review.
  • This was a complex evaluation that included matching between the booking made by the consumer and the written review, identifying the weather at the location of the reviewer, the star rating given, classification of vocabulary used to describe the stay, and the weather experienced during the stay at the hotel.
  • Leif Brandes at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, used 12 years of data and 3 million hotel bookings to examine how 340,000 anonymous online reviews of hotels were influenced by the weather on the day they were written.


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Linda Hohnholz, mupepeti weTN

Linda Hohnholz anga achinyora nekugadzirisa zvinyorwa kubva pakutanga kwebasa rake rekushanda. Akaisa chishuwo ichi chekuzvarwa kunzvimbo dzakadai seHawaii Pacific University, Chaminade University, iyo Hawaii Vana Discovery Center, uye ikozvino TravelNewsGroup.

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