Montenegro ndiyo pamutemo Nyika Yakanaka kwazvo muEurope

Dr. Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica ndivo General Director we Tourism Developing Policies muHurumende yeMontenegro.
Dr. Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica ndivo General Director we Tourism Developing Policies muHurumende yeMontenegro.

Nyika yakanaka kwazvo munyika iMontenegro, maererano WTN Nhengo yebhodhi Dr. Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica.

Dr. Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica ndiye General Director we Tourism Developing Policies muHurumende yeMontenegro, a World Tourism Hero, Uye World Tourism Network nhengo yebhodhi.

Semukuru wezvekushanya wehurumende itsva yeRepublic of Montenegro, akazivisa Montenegro ndiyo Nyika yakanaka kwazvo muEurope.

Iyo Tourism uye Sosaiti Funga Tangi ndaida kuziva zvakawanda nezve chinzvimbo chaAleksandra. Iyo Funga Tank inoumbwa nenyanzvi dzehunyanzvi munzvimbo dzakasiyana dzekushanya uye nzanga, zvisinei nenzvimbo dzemakambani nemasangano dzavanomiririra.

The Tourism Society Funga Tank ichangobva kubvunzurudza Aleksandra.

Muzvare Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica vane dhigirii reDoctoral in Marketing, Corporate Communications, uye HR. Iye inyanzvi muindasitiri yekushanya uye yekufambisa ane ruzivo rwakasimba muEconomics.

Akapedza kudzidza muEconomics uye Business Management paYunivhesiti yeMontenegro. Uyezve, akadzidza paYunivhesiti yeMontenegro vachibatsirana neEastern Washington University, Washington DC, USA, vachiwana Master's Degree. As yekupedzisira, akapedza Doctorate muBelgrade, Serbia.

Akave nyanzvi inozivikanwa pasi rese mukudzoreredza kushanya nendege panguva yeCovid-19. Akatopihwawo na WTN se"Tourism Gamba” nokuda kwezvaakaita munguva iyoyo yakaoma.

Semuongorori wezvekushanya, ane hunyanzvi mukutaurirana kwemakambani, kutengesa, kushambadzira, uye HR. Chiitiko chake chakakosha mustrategic management chakanakisa pfuma kunzvimbo yega yega uye kambani yaaishandira.

Anga ari kutarisa kubatanidza Montenegro nenyika.

Paakakumbirwa kuti ataure pamusoro pekubudirira kwaanonyanya kuzvikudza, anoti kuva amai vevarume vaviri vakuru - mumwe mutyairi wendege, achibhururuka neBamboo Airways muVietnam uye mumwe, mudzidzi weYunivhesiti ine mukurumbira muSwitzerland. (Yunivhesiti yeSaint Gallen), vese vari vanhu vane ushamwari, vanomuita kuti afare zvakanyanya uye anodada.

“Vanakomana vangu vaviri isimba rangu, simba, uye nyika yose, pamwe chete nomurume wangu mukuru, vabereki, uye hanzvadzi konama. Mhuri yangu ndiyo nhare yangu yandinochengeta uye ndinokoshesa noudyire.”

Dr. Aleksandra Gardasevic Slavuljica ndivo General Director we Tourism Developing Policies muHurumende yeMontenegro.

Gardasevic anotsanangura zviitiko zvake uye mutsara webasa rekufambisa uye indasitiri yekushanya muMontenegro.

Hukuru hwezviitwa zvedu hwakapamhama zvikuru. Ingozvipa zita; Ndine chokwadi chekuti tinayo pachirongwa chedu chezviitiko. 

Imwe yacho kugadzirwa kwenzvimbo ine mutoro uye inoyevedza yebhizinesi. Kunyanya, Dhipatimendi, iro ini ndiri mukuru waro, rinobata nezvese makuru ane chekuita nekushanya, zvese kubva muhurongwa uye hwekushanda.

Saka, ndinoda kuratidza kuti tiri kugadzira hurongwa hwekugadzirisa uye tine "maoko-pa" mabasa ezuva nezuva ekushanda.

Tichitaura nezve makore maviri apfuura, kubva ndanga ndiri Director weDhipatimendi reKushanya tichigadzira marongero, takatora akawanda magwaro ehurongwa. Gwaro rinonyanya kukosha reamburera ndeye "National Tourism Development Strategy yeMontenegro 2022-2025. neAction Plan”.

Gwaro iri igwara regwara renzira yebudiriro yekushanya. Iyo yakakwana nzira yekusimudzira yekushanya inotsanangurwa muChirongwa. Zvinangwa uye chirongwa chekuita zvinotsanangurwa nemirairo yekuzvizadzisa. 

The UNWTO akatirumbidza zviri pamutemo nekugadzira segwaro rinoshanda, rinobatsira, uye rine chekuita nekuita

Ndinodada nazvo, sezvo ndaive maneja weprojekiti. Pamusoro peChirongwa, takatora zvirongwa zvakawanda uye tiri kugadzirira zvimwe. Zvirongwa zvedu zvekutanga uye zvinoshanda ndeizvo zveRural Tourism, Hutano, Mitambo, LGBTQ, uye Cultural tourism.

Chero zvatinoita, tinozviita kuti tigadzire nharaunda yakagadzikana umo vagari vemo vanogutsikana uye vakagadzirira kupa masevhisi kune vashanyi padanho repamusoro.

Zvakare, kuisa kwatinoenda padanho rekushanya kwepasirese ndicho chimwe chezvinangwa zvedu nekuti Montenegro ichiri chishongo chitsva uye chisina kubatwa cheEurope.

Ndinonzwa sokuti ndiri mumarudzi akasiyana-siyana, asi handizowedzeredzi kana ndikataura kuti Montenegro ndiyo nyika yakanaka kwazvo pasi rose.

Chii chinopihwa neindasitiri yekushanya munyika yako kuitira kusimudzira magariro, hupfumi, uye tsika dzeMontenegro?

Sezvandakasimbisa kare, kukura kwekushanyirwa muMontenegro kunobva pamitemo yekuenzanisa pakati pezvinodiwa zvehupfumi, kudiwa kwekunyatsoshandisa zviwanikwa, uye chisungo chekupa vanhu mararamiro akanaka.

Nezveizvi, basa redu rakanangana nekugadzira chinopihwa chevashanyi chinozozadzisa zvinodiwa zvevashanyi uye kuremekedza "mbiru" nhatu dzekuchengetedza.

Isu tine nzira yakakosha yekusimudzira kupihwa kwekushanya kwetsika, tichifunga kuti, pamusoro pekupihwa kwezvigadzirwa zvekushanya zvekumaruwa uye zvehutano, nenzira iyi, isu tinogadzira preconditions yekupihwa kwegore rose vashanyi uye kuderedzwa seasonality, iyo ichava nemigumisiro yakanaka yehupfumi nemagariro evanhu inoonekwa kuburikidza nekuwedzera kwemari uye basa.

Chii chinopa Montenegro kune vashanyi vekunze?

Montenegro inyika ine runako runoshamisa.

Tinogona kupa vashanyi rudo pakutanga pakuona nekuti ivo vanozofara kana angouya kuMontenegro, inova nzvimbo yavo yekugara.

Munzvimbo diki inofukidza isingasviki 14,000 km2, zvisikwa zvaive nerupo. Muzuva rimwe chete, zvinobvira kugara pamhenderekedzo yegungwa, kushambira mugungwa, uye ipapo kusvika pamusoro pemakomo uye kufema mweya wakanaka.

Kune nguva dzegore, dzimwe nguva muna Kubvumbi, paunogona kusvetuka muchando uye kushambira mugungwa pazuva rimwe chete.

Saka, kupihwa kwedu kwakasiyana zvakanyanya maererano nenzvimbo, zviitiko, kugona kwekugara…

Unogona kugara mumahotera eumbozha kana dzimba dzekumaruwa; unogona kuita mabiko kana nguva yakanyarara, yerudo.

Ingoita chido, uye chichaitika muMontenegro. 

Ndeapi matambudziko makuru akatarisana nekushanya muMontenegro?

Inodarika 30% yeGDP yedu ine chekuita nekushanya, saka zviri pachena kuti indasitiri iyi yakakosha sei kwatiri. Tese tinoziva kuoma kwazvakaita, kunyanya munguva dzino dzinoshamisa dzizere nematambudziko. 

Tiri kuedza kuita kuti tourism ive bazi rehupfumi rakagadzikana uye rakagadzikana. Nenzira iyi, tiri kubudirira kugadzirisa dambudziko remwaka, kushanda, kusaenzana kwekusimudzira dunhu, zvivakwa, kubatana kwemhepo, uye kuenderera mberi…

Nekudaro, aya haasi matambudziko ane chekuita nenyika yedu chete asi matambudziko anokanganisa kushanya kwepasirese kusvika pamwero mukuru kana mudiki. 

Kusvika nguva pfupi yadarika, Montenegro yaive nzvimbo ye "zuva negungwa".

Hazvisisina kudaro. Isu tiri "zvese mune imwe" nzvimbo uko kushanya kunoitwa mazuva 365 pagore.

Isu tiri nyika yakarongedzerwa kusangana nezvinodiwa zvemarudzi ese evashanyi. Kupihwa kwedu kunogadzirwa zvinoenderana netarisiro yevashanyi vanonyanya kuda, iyo yatiri kuyedza kukwezva uye kuvaita kuti vashuvire kugara kunzvimbo yedu kwenguva refu. 

Uye kubva pamaonero ako epasi rese, ndeapi matambudziko makuru eEurope?

Nyika imusha wepasi rose, saka matambudziko ari pasi rose. Covid-19 ndiyo yaive yakatungamira kuratidzwa kwemamiriro akadai.

No single destination in the world was not hit by it. So, everything I already mentioned about our destination applies to almost all destinations worldwide.

However, I would like to comment on perhaps the main challenge for Europe and the world, sustainability. We all need to focus on this because sustainable tourism is the key to solving many challenges.

Now it is a time when we have to be extra careful. We must not let over-tourism happen again. Tourism should never be as before Covid. I think many destinations realized it, and this should be our path fulfilled with sustainable, responsible, inclusive, green, smart tourism. 

Iwe unomira kunze kwekugona kwako kwekushanda nekushandira pamwe. Iwe unofunga here kuti zvikamu zvakasiyana zveState tourism indasitiri inowirirana neBazi reKushanya?

Tourism is everyone’s industry and industry for everyone. There is not a single economic branch, at least in our country, unrelated to tourism.

Our Ministry intensively and very successfully connects all tourism stakeholders, whether they are from the state or private sector, civil society, or NGOs…

We are at everyone’s disposal. A country’s tourism cannot be booming if it is not recognized at all levels, and all the stakeholders must be in a network.

However, SMS are the main carriers of tourism, and for them to function, they must have a responsible business environment and stable market. Therefore, cooperation in tourism is imperative, and no entity or institution can function independently. We are all connected. We are all networked. Networking at the national level is a prerequisite for networking at the global level.

Kazhinji, ndeapi mamiriro ezvinhu pari zvino muindasitiri yezvekushanya kwenyika?

We are more than satisfied with the tourism recovery and reset after Covid-19. Our quantitative indicators are excellent. We even surpassed the level of the record 2019 in many segments. However, Montenegro has made a change in tourist direction.

We are working on the new branding of the destination by modeling as diversified products as possible and increasing its quality. This is the new image that we want to be the seal of our destination.

For us, it is vital to attract responsible guests, who behave responsibly towards our nature, stay longer at the destination and spend more.  Our destination promotion is oriented towards such target groups.

In some interviews, you talk about the cultural identity of Montenegro; what are the main concepts and developments that make that cultural identity identifiable?

I think that Montenegro deserves to be better recognized on the map of global cultural tourism and would like to see this situation improved in the coming period. Our ministry, as well as the Ministry of Culture, are working on it intensively.

Montenegro represents a fascinating area of rich cultural and historical heritage. In our country, we have UNESCO-protected properties.

There is a mixture of different cultures because Christianity and Islam meet here and live harmoniously. These are just some of the predispositions and potentials for the country’s cultural development.

It may be interesting to say that three great Christian relics are located in Montenegro: the hand of St. John the Baptist (the hand that baptized Jesus Christ), a fragment of the Holy Cross of the Lord (part of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified) and the Icon of the Holy Mother of God Philermosa (according to tradition, it was the work of St. Apostle Luke who painted it live in 46 AD). Therefore, Montenegro is a new phenomenon of cultural tourism, and everyone who visits it is delighted by our cultural offer.

Chii chauri kuvandudza kusimbisa chifananidzo uye rudzi rwenyika?

Montenegro was recently recognized as a “sun & sea” destination.

Yes, our beaches and coastline are magically beautiful, but that is only part of the beauty of our destination.

We brand the country as an “all in one” destination because we have an offer for everyone’s taste and expectations.

Therefore, we want our destination to be better recognized globally for its active and diversified tourism, primarily based on sustainability and responsibility towards the environment and nature.

n this sense, we are re-branding our destination, knowing how it is important from its recognition.

The new brand is based on new marketing standards and new principles that apply to tourism. Montenegro is a responsible destination, and we create our offer tailored to the most demanding guests. 

Mune maonero ako, ndeapi makuru evashanyi zviwanikwa zvenyika anoita kuti ive yakasiyana uye yakasarudzika mukupa kwakakura kwevashanyi kunowanikwa muAdriatic?

Unreal natural beauty is the unique selling point of our destination. Our regions take your breath away and remain etched in the minds and hearts of tourists forever.

This is the reason why tourists keep coming back to us. Whoever visits Montenegro once will keep on visiting it frequently.

We have five national parks rich in flora and fauna and numerous endemic species of animal and plant origin. The proximity of the sea and the mountains gives countless possibilities.

Sometimes it happens that on the same day, a tourist can ski, both in the sea and on the snow, because the sea and the mountains are only a little more than an hour’s drive away.

Our traditional food is delicious, and whoever tries it once falls in love with the country because, as we know, ”love goes through the stomach.”

Our traditional hospitality, rich cultural and historical heritage, and the meeting of two religions – Christianity and Islam- are happening in an area with less than 14,000 km2 and only 600,000 inhabitants.

Montenegro is located in a desirable geographical environment but is surrounded by very powerful countries for tourism. Is there a common strategy, or is it one of the region’s weak points?

Trends change, and there is room for everyone in the tourist market.

Our target group is predominantly high-paying markets, although tourists from the region are also our traditional guests. We believe that we have a unique product tailored for guests from Central, Western, and Northern Europe and guests from the Middle East, which is also very important to us.

For them, our offer is without competition in many respects, but we need to strengthen the promotion of our destination.

This is also the main goal of our National Tourism Strategy – ”to become a globally recognized destination by 2025.”

However, I must highlight our plans to promote the offer in distant markets, such as China and Canada, together with countries from the Region.

For tourists from these parts of the world, visiting the Balkans is most probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience. They generally want to visit several countries during a single trip. In this sense, we create regional package arrangements.

However, modern tourism is all about sharing. It is oriented towards sharing knowledge, good practices, and experiences because that is the only way to make the industry strong, resilient, and responsible.

Tizivise nzvimbo yakakosha yekushanyira munyika yako.

I don’t think I can answer this question. Montenegro is a special place as a whole. 

Montenegro deserves to be visited and every corner of it to be discovered.

Inevitably, one should visit the coastal towns such as Ulcinj, Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Herceg-Novi, the capital Podgorica, Cetinje, then Kolašin and Žabljak in the Northern region.

One should go rafting on the “Tear of Europe,” the river Tara, go down the serpentines from Cetinje via Njegusi to Kotor (the gondola cable car from Lovcen to Kotor will be in operation soon), visit our hiking trails that leave you breathless.

It would be best to visit the luxury hotel brands that have their specialty in this area and small rural households whose charm even the most demanding tourists cannot resist.

Well, our national parks… Lovćen, Lake Skadar, Biogradska gora, Durmitor (under UNESCO protection )… The possibilities are endless. 

Uye kunaka kunozotishamisa?

Ah, you are asking me difficult questions again.

So let me ask you, too… would you like to feel love at first sight?

Montenegro is a surprise in itself. It is an unexplored gem of Europe, and I promise when you visit it, love at first sight, will happen to you.

Trust me. So, Mondenegiro yakamirira kuongororwa. 


  • Paakakumbirwa kuti ataure pamusoro pekubudirira kwaanonyanya kuzvikudza, anoti kuva amai vevarume vaviri vakuru - mumwe mutyairi wendege, achibhururuka neBamboo Airways muVietnam uye mumwe, mudzidzi weYunivhesiti ine mukurumbira muSwitzerland. (Yunivhesiti yeSaint Gallen), vese vari vanhu vane ushamwari, vanomuita kuti afare zvakanyanya uye anodada.
  • Sezvandakasimbisa kare, kusimudzira kwekushanyirwa muMontenegro kunobva pamisimboti yekuenzanisa pakati pezvinodiwa zvehupfumi, kudiwa kwekungwarira….
  • Chero zvatinoita, tinozviita kuti tigadzire nharaunda yakagadzikana umo vagari vemo vanogutsikana uye vakagadzirira kupa masevhisi kune vashanyi padanho repamusoro.



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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