FRAPORT Airport Kushanya neKutarisa pane Terminal 3 Kuvaka Project


The future Terminal 3 at Frankfurt Airport is one of the largest privately funded construction projects underway in Europe.

The future Terminal 3 at Frankfurt Airport is one of the largest privately funded construction projects underway in Europe. Currently, the site comprises a huge excavated hole where the foundations for the central terminal building are being laid. Fraport’s visitor service team has responded to enormous public interest in the project by launching a Maxi Tour that focuses on Terminal 3. The highpoint of the 90-minute bus ride around Frankfurt Airport’s apron is a stop at a platform with a fantastic view of the construction site.

Iyo Terminal 3 excursion inoratidzawo zvimwe zvinonakidza zveapron uye nhandare yendege zviitiko. Semuyenzaniso, vatori vechikamu vanoona kusimuka uye kumhara kubva pedyo-pedyo paCentre neSouth Runways. Nhungamiro iripo kwese, inotaura zvinonakidza chokwadi uye manhamba, kusanganisira ruzivo nezvechirongwa chekuvaka. Terminal 3 yakarongerwa kuvhurwa muna 2023. Ichasanganisira mapairi matsva matatu, ane simba revanhu vanopfuura mamiriyoni makumi maviri pagore, uye ichange ichiisa mitemo mitsva maererano nekugadzirwa kwayo.

Nekuda kwemitemo yekuchengetedza, vatori vechikamu muTerminal 3 kushanya vanofanirwa kunge vaine makore gumi nematanhatu ekuzvarwa. Mutengo pamunhu i16 euros. Rwendo urwu runogona kurongerwa vanhu kana mapoka. Kuwedzera kwakakodzera ndiko kushanya kupuratifomu yekuona muTerminal 15. Iyo puratifomu yakavhurwa gore rose.

Ruzivo rwakawanda pane dzimwe nzendo uye Terrace Yevashanyi Inogona kuwanikwa pa .



Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz akaramba achishanda muindasitiri yekufambisa uye yekushanya kubva achiri mudiki kuGerman (1977).
Iye akatanga eTurboNews muna 1999 sebhuku rekutanga repamhepo pamhepo yepasirese yekushanya indasitiri yekushanya.

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